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FRA Annual Report focuses on age discrimination

The Fundamental Right Agency (FRA) has released itsAnnual Report, which includes an important section on age discrimination with a focus on older people.
The report looks at last year’s activities of the European Union and of EU member states to fight discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, disability, racial or ethnic origin and religion or belief, in particular in the field of employment.

It concludes with some recommendations by FRA, recalling the importance of adopting the Equal Treatment Directive without further delay, so as to ensure a comprehensive protection against all grounds of discrimination on an equal basis and beyond the area of employment. FRA also invites the EU institutions to consider “referring explicitly to the fundamental right of non-discrimination when proposing structural reforms in the country-specific recommendations by the European Semester”.

AGE welcomes this focus on age ground and FRA’s recommendations, which are fully in line with what we has been advocating for, and which recognizes the important awareness raising work that we have been carried out towards the EU institutions the last few years.

Download FRA’s Annual Report here (pdf)

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