Web nurses to support informal carers in Hungary

webnurse-HU A ‘Webnurse’ programme in Hungary has developed a website to support informal carers who take care of an elderly and/or ill person in her/his home. This website provides tutorial videos, help- desk and various useful links and services to assist carers in their every-day tasks.

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HCSOM), project partner in the HELPS (Housing and Home-care for the Elderly and Vulnerable People and Local Partnership Strategies in Central European cities) project of the Central Europe programme, have developed a website to support informal carers who take care of an elderly and/or ill person in her/his home.

This website is available in Hungarian on www.webnover.hu. Some of its key features have been translated to 7 European languages on www.webnurse.eu

‘Training’ and helpdesk service

This “WebNurse” (in Hungarian “WebNővér”) programme attempts to collect all the information and support informal carers might need in their every-day tasks. 45 short tutorial videos are available to support them. A search engine for finding all the social, welfare and health institutions is also provided (in the Hungarian version) as well as Maltese services which might be necessary to look up in relation to the care provided.

Next to these applications, users can also send their care-related or legal questions to experts via two help-desk menu points, as personal consultancy might be important in many cases. Another feature on the site offers valuable food for thought for those who need some mental recreation and a Dietetics section offers various easy-to-prepare recipes for each diet together with interesting articles in the theme of nutrition.

The multilingual site offers the educational videos dubbed in English, and subtitled in six further European languages: German, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian, Italian and Polish.

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