AGE Event: Active Senior Citizens for an Age-friendly EU

AGE Platform Europe is delighted to invite you to participate to the event ‘Active Senior Citizens for an Age-friendly EU’ which will take place at the European Parliament, Brussels, on 8 December from 16.00 to 18.15 in room JAN6Q1. It will be followed by a cocktail until 19.15. The event aims at raising awareness on active citizenship among older people and give them directly a voice in the European Parliament.It will also aim to introduce the results of the ‘Active Senior Citizens for Europe’ project co-funded by the Europe for citizens programme. The project developed train-the-trainer modules on the EU and how older people can contribute to influence EU decision making processes.

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Although older citizens usually have a positive attitude toward the EU, few are fully aware of what the EU is doing to translate our shared values into concrete outcomes for EU citizens, what are EU competences and how EU policies impact their daily life. Even fewer know how to engage in a constructive dialogue with the EU institutions to help shape the EU political agenda. The current crisis and language barriers create additional challenges for seniors in those countries to become fully involved in EU civil dialogue.

The event aims at building on the mobilization around the European elections and the nomination of a new college of Commissioners to give directly a voice to active senior citizens, so they can share their views with recently elected MEPs. Several older persons will make a statement and MEPs will answer them directly. This debate will aim to highlight the fundamental cooperation between MEPs and their constituencies that is needed to achieve together an age-friendly European Union. The event will also present the outcomes of the European-funded project ‘Active Senior Citizens for Europe’ (ASCE) funded by the Europe for citizens programme.

Download the agenda of this event here

Registrations are now closed.

Contact person: Maude Luherne, ASCE project coordinator –


More information on the ASCE project in the document here and webpage here.


This event is cofunded by the European Union 'Europe for citizens programme'

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