Making links with research on users’ perspective on human rights

On 13 June 2014, the University of Antwerp presented a concrete case-study as part of their research, which explored the trajectory of the network of organisations (users) that have lobbied for a Declaration on the Rights of Peasants. Nena Georgantzi, Legal Officer, was asked to make a parallelism with our experience in advocating for a UN convention on the rights of older persons and how self-advocacy organisations can navigate through the complex human rights system to achieve their strategic objectives.

This work is undertaken in the frame of the ‘localising human rights’ research, which concentrates on how poor communities in the Global South use human rights in order to protect themselves from perceived threats to their human dignity. Part of this work, is the preparation of a report on the ‘Human Rights Council (HRC) from below’, which seeks to ascertain whether or not local human rights issues and struggles can be incorporated into the work and normative output of the HRC.

The research is embedded in the Law and Development Research Group of the University of Antwerp, as well as in the work of the the Inter-university Attraction Pole (IAP) “The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a Users’ Perspective”.

For more information you can visit the research website or contact Nena Georgantzi, AGE Legal Officer

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