AGE-driven win over ageism – Times of Malta

A European directive that would have penalised older drivers has been rethought. Article, by Gaetan Naudi from the National Association of Pensioners of Malta and member of AGE Task Force on Accessibility and Age-friendly Environments, published in the ‘Times of Malta’ last on 19 December 2023. Read the article  (here in pdf)

Climate justice in an ageing world

While the ageing of the world’s population is becoming one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century, climate change has the potential to deter health, well-being, and livelihoods of the ageing population. Yet, the repercussions of global ageing for climate action remains absent from debates on climate change.This discussion paper from HepAge […]

European Pillar of Social Rights – EuroHealthNet Flashcards

EuroHealthNet has designed easy-to-read flashcards to help public health professionals and decision-makers contribute to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which sets out 20 rights and principles to create more sustainable and inclusive European societies. Each flashcard explores a different principle of the EU Pillar and demonstrates how it can contribute to […]

Reducing Older People’s Deaths on European Roads

This report from the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) explores how to improve road safety for older people in Europe. Part I of this report delves into the most recent data regarding road deaths among older people. It highlights disparities among countries but also assesses the road safety of older individuals compared to the general […]

DigiTrein invites to embark digitalisation

Coming to an end in 2023, the Digitrein project is aimed to strengthen the digital inclusion and autonomy of older people in Brussels (Belgium).  Technology may simplify many things, but many older people not been keen on using digital technologies to carry everyday tasks, often because of lack of skills or self-confidence. In that context, […]

Adequate pensions are essential to age in dignity

In November, European pensions stakeholders organised the European Retirement Week, a week of conferences and debates around pensions. As a partner of the European retirement week, AGE highlighted that pensions must protect against poverty and fairly compensate for a lifetime of contributions. During the launch of European Retirement Week in Brussels on 27 November, 14 […]

The Time for Human Rights is Now – AGE contributes to UN ‘Human Rights 75’

To mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has gathered commitments from all actors throughout the year. We submitted our three pledges to strengthen the rights of older people. For 75 years, the core ambition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been to infuse societies with […]

Navigating the Future of Urban Planning and Ageing in Cities

The recent Smart City Expo World Congress 2023 in Barcelona was an opportunity for AGE to better understand the future innovation of Urban Planning and how it can help create cities that are not only smart but also compassionate, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of all age groups. We participated in the Smart City […]

European Disability Forum asks for amendments to new EU cross-border regulation

The European Disability Forum (EDF) expresses its deep concern about a new EU regulation proposed last May to protect the rights of vulnerable adults in cross-border situations. This regulation is currently under negotiation. The proposals put forward by the European commissoin cover adults who move within the EU and who, for reason of impairment or […]

Slovakia supports a new UN convention for older people’s rights

At an international conference on the rights of older persons in Vienna on 1st December, Minister Malijevac expressed Slovakia’s support of a new UN Convention on the rights of older persons. In doing so, Slovakia has joined Austria, Portugal, Slovenia and Malta, who have already supported in the past the need for a new UN […]

Rising nursing home prices: OKRA urges Belgian government to act

In Belgium, the prices for a stay in a residential care home are rising fast, much faster the indexation of pensions. The Flemish senior citizens’ association OKRA calls for measures to better align nursing homes prices with pension income. Are residential care homes gradually becoming unaffordable? According to a new study carried out by OKRA […]

“They live in the dark”- Amnesty report on older people in Ukraine

Older people, who make up one-fourth of Ukraine’s population, have faced unique violations of their human rights since Russia’s full-scale invasion. Disproportionately among those killed or injured during the conflict, they also struggle in displacement to access housing, support services, and healthcare on an equal basis with others. The fastest way to protect civilians in […]

2024 EU election: kick-off of AGE campaign for a Europe for all ages

Read our December newsletter Six months before the votes for a new European Parliament, we want to recall the importance of working towards a Europe for all ages and suggest some strong, concrete measures at EU level to achieve tangible changes. In 2021, the EU Green Paper on Ageing kicked off a lively debate which […]

“Myth Busts” for Ageing Societies: virtual Press Hour

PRESS RELEASE 11 December 2023 Have you ever caught yourself speaking about “generations” as if they were different species? You are not alone. Labels like “boomers” and “generation X, Y, Z, …” are incredibly popular in public discourse these days. Unfortunately, these labels give us warped ideas about ageing. First, they suggest conflicts which may […]

Ageing in the spotlight of the 2023 European Public Health Conference

At the 16th edition of the European Public Health Conference in Dublin (Ireland), we discussed and showcased the preliminary outcomes of the ValueCare project that defends an innovative vision for health and care, emphasizing the tangible value offered to older individuals and the outcomes that truly matter to them. The theme of the European Public […]

Spanish city wins 2024 EU Access City Award

Like every year, the EU Access City Award acknowledges the efforts made by cities to advance accessibility for persons with disabilities. The Spanish city of San Cristóbal de La Laguna is the big winner of the 2024 edition. AGE was part of the jury.

AGE Manifesto 2024 – The Europe we want is for all ages

Today, AGE Platform Europe is launching the AGE Manifesto 2024, precisely six months before the vote day for the European Parliament Elections in 2024, marking the beginning of our campaign. Committed to achieving our mission of promoting a society for all ages, this manifesto is a collective effort of all our members. Read our press […]

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