3rd EU Day of Solidarity between Generations paves the way for the European Year 2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

Brussels, 28 April 2011

29/04/11: 3rd EU Day of Solidarity between Generations paves the way for
the European Year 2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

Everyone has a role to play!

On Friday 29 April 2011, 450 delegates – national and local public authorities, businesses, civil society organisations, academics – from across the EU will gather in Brussels to attend the EU Conference on “Towards the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012),” which will mark the 3rdEuropean Day of Solidarity between Generations. On this occasion, the EY2012 coalition of stakeholders, comprised of citizens’ groups, social actors and business representatives active at EU level will present its objectives and recommendations on how to achieve a society for all ages where women and men are empowered to remain active in the labour market and able to contribute to their communities while enjoying a dignified old age.

Today, more than ever, there is great public interest in issues related to the demographic challenge and its impact on relations between the generations. Who should pay for our ageing population? Should older workers clear the way to make jobs available to younger workers? Should the retirement age be postponed? Such questions arise from the rapid ageing of our European populations and are aggravated by the austerity context. We need to find innovative solutions to support active ageing if we want to avoid tensions between age groups and make our current European social models sustainable and fair for all generations” said Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe, leader of the coalition.

Since 2008, the coalition has been responding to the current demographic challenge by raising awareness of the relevance of enhancing cooperation and solidarity between generations. The coalition also actively campaigned to include the intergenerational dimension in the scope of the European Year 2012.

To support its call and ensure a lasting impact for the EY2012, the coalition is launching ajoint leaflet on the EU Year 2012 which will be presented at the EU conference on 29 April. The objective of this publication is to inform the public about the EY2012 and to mobilise as many stakeholders as possible to support the Year’s objectives of active ageing at work, active ageing in the community and support to independent living. The leaflet also proposes recommendations and examples of good practices at all levels and explains how everyone can get involved in the Year and promote it.

The EY2012 Coalition is convinced that the ageing demography is an opportunity as well as a challenge which requires the involvement of all stakeholders in order to develop solutions that suit all age groups. Everyone has a role to play and should contribute in order to allow a holistic approach to ageing and create a society in which all generations are equally included and empowered to participate according to their capacities.

The joint EY2012 publication is available online in English and French. Printed copies of the leaflet can be requested after 29th April at AGE secretariat (info@age-platform.eu).


Press release in pdf format

Communiqué de presse en français

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