On 6th September 2016 the French-speaking network of age-friendly cities (Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés – RFVAA) signed a convention with the French Ministry of State in charge of older persons and independent living. In line with the French law to adapt society to the ageing of the population (Loi d’Adaptation de la société au vieillissement) that came into force in January 2016, the agreement aims to support the work of the RFVAA in 2016 around a number of issues:
- Informing and supporting territories to join the age-friendly city initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO);
- Setting up an Award to promote intergenerational good practices;
- Disseminating successful good practices of age-friendly cities in relation to the 8 topics of the WHO programme: built environment, housing, social inclusion, social participation, information and communication, community living and employment, health services;
- Identifying and disseminating – in partnership with the magazine for seniors ‘Notre Temps’ – territories that offer an appropriate environment for living and ageing well ;
- Analyzing international practices on age-friendly cities through conferences and symposiums;
- Organizing national meetings for the network actors to promote the approach in relationship to the implementation of the French law to adapt society to the ageing of the population.
More information in French in those two articles: