Advocating for age equality in Europe: Support our call for an Intergroup!

On 2 October, to mark the International Day of Older Persons 2024, MEP Idoia Mendía, Marina Kaljurand and Marcos Ros Sempere invited Members of the European Parliaments (MEPs) for a debate with representatives of AGE Platform Europe, the European Youth Forum and Eurocarers.

Central themes in the discussions were:

  • the importance of intergenerational solidarity in tackling Europe’s most pressing challenges;
  • the need to change the discourse on ageing, including a lifelong and intersectional approach in ageing policies, focusing on enhancing older people’s potential and recognizing care as a fundamental right. For that, unified efforts are needed within the new European Commission;
  • the under-representation of marginalised groups – including people with disabilities and older people – in EU policymaking. This trend is confirmed when we look at the worrying shortcomings in equality and ageing policies in the roadmap – and in the allocation of portfolios – presented by the President of the new European Commission.
AGE campaign for an Intergroup for a ‘Europe for all Ages’

The main focus of the event was the launch of our campaign for the creation of a European Parliament Intergroup dedicated to a “Europe for all Ages”. This intergroup, supported by MEPs from various political groups and civil society networks, will aim to develop policies that protect the rights of older people while promoting intergenerational solidarity.

Thanks to the efforts of AGE member organisations to connect with MEPs at national level, several of them attended the event and have already expressed their interest in supporting the Intergroup.

We have until 24th October to collect as many signatures as possible in order to form this intergroup.

Help us disseminate our call among MEPs!

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