The two-year project AFE-INNOVNET, coordinated by AGE Platform Europe, came to an end in January 2016. The EU-funded thematic network managed to mobilise more than 350 public authorities, civil society organisations and businesses throughout Europe, and to develop several tools for older citizens’ involvement and impact assessment of age-friendly initiatives. It has now reached its ultimate goal with the creation of the European Covenant on Demographic Change, an EU-wide network of local and regional authorities joining forces to develop age-friendly environments at local, regional and national levels.
On 29 January 2016, 68 of the 112 member organisations came together in Brussels to sign the official statutes of the Covenant as founding members. The Covenant is now an international non-for-profit organisation established under the Belgian law and will work in close cooperation with the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.