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AGE Annual Report 2014 now available in web and printed versions

AR2014 EN coverpage smallThis report of AGE Platform Europe’s activities in 2014 presents our work carried out in the framework of the 2014 Action Grant (JUST/ 2013/ ACTION GRANTS of the PROGRESS programme). It features last year’s highlights, objectives, and achievements and provides a brief description of AGE network.

2014 was a key year in EU policy development with the elections of the new European Parliament and European Commission. A process in which we and our members took a very active part, raising awareness of ageing issues and older citizens’ concerns and mobilizing decision makers at EU and national levels.

In 2014 AGE further progressed in promoting of older people’s human rights at European and global level, namely through our active involvement in key ageing debates with the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Our policy work was very much supported by our participation in European projects in relation to ageing, such as the AFE-INNOVNET, a growing EU-wide network led by AGE, bringing together a wide variety of actors concerned by active and healthy ageing issues. This network enriches our work with a local and multi-sectorial perspective and helps us promote our campaign for age-friendly environments in Europe and link it to the global network on age-friendly environments and communities of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Download AGE 2014 report here:

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