AGE becomes official partner of the European Campaign ‘Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress’

EU OSHA Healthy workplacesAs people are working to a higher age, it is more and more important to design workplaces in an age-friendly and enabling manner. As age advances, the one of the most important factors keeping people in working life is the motivation they derive from their job. This is the reason why AGE has joined the European campaign led by the EU Agency for Health and Safety at work (EU-OSHA) on managing workplace stress. The campaign was launched in April 2014 and will feature a great number of events on national and European level around preventing stress at work and raising awareness for the benefits for both workers and employers.

On the campaign’s website,, the issue of workplace stress is described and hands-on advice on managing stress is made available to employers, health and safety professionals and other organisations. The materials come in a wide variety of forms, featuring DVDs, online toolkits, guides and educational movies.

AGE becomes a partner in the campaign to highlight the importance of stress management especially for older workers who might face ageism at work, a factor of stress, or become overwhelmed by excessive demands. AGE has therefore contributed to the review of the EU Framework Strategy on Health and Safety at Work 2014-2020, highlighting the importance of including psycho-social issues in such a strategy.

AGE will regularly post updates about the campaign to make it available to a greater number of people an build the link to AGE’s campaign on age-friendly environments.

Official campaign website

Further information:

For more information, please contact Philippe Seidel at the AGE Secretariat <


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