Demanding a Europe for all ages – God Tid – SPF Newspaper

Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF)

“AGE, with millions of organised seniors across Europe, is calling on the next European Parliament to act so that we have a Europe for all ages. The AGE Platform manifesto is called “A society for all ages”. The demands to achieve this are set out in a manifesto for the European elections.The Swedish Pensioners’ Association […]

AGE: Stop killing innocent people immediately! – God Tid – SPF Newspaper

Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF)

“In recent years, there have been terrible wars in areas close to us – Ukraine and the Middle East/Gaza. Unbelievable! But what is most unbelievable is how the acts of war are indiscriminately directed against civil society in the war zones.” Article by Mr. Filip Hamro-Drotz, member of the Finnish pensioners’ organisation Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF) […]

Too young, too old, barred from voting – Speaking up in the EU Elections – EESC

Interview of Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf, President of AGE Platform Europe, in an episode of the Grassroots View of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). AGE President shares older people’s views ahead of the European elections, looking at recent progress at EU level, what is at stake in the elections and the involvement of older […]

How are the interests of older people looked after in Europe? – God Tid – SPF Newspaper

Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF)

“We are about 20,000 members of the Swedish Pensioners’ Federation SPF. We are members of one of the more than 70 local associations around Finland. Our programme is mainly organised by our own local association – meetings, dancing, singing and glam, lectures, excursions, etc. This provides opportunities for social interaction and enjoyment.” Article by Mr […]

Europe should be for all ages AGE Manifesto 2024 – GOD TID – SPF NEWSPAPER

Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF)

Europe should be for all ages –Interview of Mr Filip Hamro-Drotz, member of the Finnish pensioners’ organisation Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF) and board member of AGE Platform Europe, on AGE Manifesto for the EU elections 2024. Date: March 2024. Read the article in Swedish Read the English translation

Age Discrimination exists in the EU labour market – GOD TID – SPF NEWSPAPER

Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF)

Age Discrimination exists in the EU labour market – Article by Filip Hamro-Drotz from the Confederation of Swedish-Speaking Pensioners in Finland for SPF Newspaper God Tid about age discrimination at work and the findings of 2023 AGE Barometer. Date: February 2024 Read the interview in Swedish Read an English translation of the interview

“Our rights, our destiny” – Interview for Spanish TV

AGE Human Rights Manager, Nena Georgantzi, was interviewed for the Barcelona TV’s “Veins” (neighbours) program on Televisió LHdigital L’Hospitalet! in the segment ‘Our Rights, Our Destiny.’ Nena spoke about ageism and the critical importance of defending our rights as we age, highlighting AGE’s EU-level initiatives. She emphasized the significance of organisations like AGE Platform Europe to raise […]

Elections du Parlement européen en 2024 – Interview pour Âgo

Interview de Philippe Seidel-Leroy, responsable politique en matière de protection sociale et du Parlement européen chez AGE, au sujet des élections européennes à venir et du Manifeste de AGE. Publiée en janvier 2024 dans le magazine Papyrus de Âgo, membre de AGE en France.  Lire l’interview (pages 12 & 13)

AGE-driven win over ageism – Times of Malta

A European directive that would have penalised older drivers has been rethought. Article, by Gaetan Naudi from the National Association of Pensioners of Malta and member of AGE Task Force on Accessibility and Age-friendly Environments, published in the ‘Times of Malta’ last on 19 December 2023. Read the article  (here in pdf)

Long-term Care in Europe: A New Start? – AARP Journal

Long-term Care in Europe: A New Start? – Blog post for AARP Journal, 31 August 2023. “As COVID-19 swept over Europe, thousands of avoidable deaths — more than half of the fatalities within the first year of the pandemic in some countries — occurred in long-term care settings. These fatalities triggered more awareness and consideration […]

Disability rights at all ages – op-ed for EDF newsletter

Although ageing is often seen as being equal to chronic illness and impairment, older people are a vastly heterogeneous group. In reality, most of us is will age actively and in good health. Perceptions that older persons are intrinsically weak and frail are driven by ageism, meaning stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination on the basis of age.

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