Colorful Gray : We all deserve to live life to its fullest – AARP Journal

Colorful Gray : We all deserve to live life to its fullest – Blog post for the AARP Journal, 31 August 2023. “Our vision encompasses an inclusive society based on well-being for all; solidarity between generations; and full entitlement to enjoy life, participate in, and contribute to society.” Download our full article in pdf (by […]

Ouderenmishandeling vraagt om structurele oplossingen – De Wereld Morgen

“AGE Platform Europe, de Europese koepel van ouderenorganisaties, voegt daar nog aan toe dat we ook rekening moeten houden met de vaststelling dat een op de drie 65-plussers aangeeft het doelwit te zijn van ageism: beledigd, misbruikt of geweigerd worden vanwege hun leeftijd. Een realiteit die een smet werpt op de gedeelde waarden van solidariteit, gelijkheid en mensenrechten van de EU.”

European passengers with disabilities demand improved air travel regulations – AeroTime

“Three key organizations in the representation of persons with disabilities across Europe, the European Disability Forum (EDF), the European Passengers Federation (EPF), and AGE Platform Europe (AGE), have made a renewed appeal to the European Commissioner for Transport, to reopen the revision of Regulation 1107/2006, aiming to enhance the rights of individuals with disabilities and reduced mobility when traveling by air.”

Building communities to fight loneliness – EurActiv

“Parrots are happier when they talk to other parrots,” Elizabeth Mestheneos, the former president of AGE Platform Europe, said in a speech at the kickoff event of the European Mental Health Week on Monday (22 May), referring to an experiment on communication and socialising.

What’s new for older people in Europe – GOD TID – SPF NEWSPAPER

Svenska Pensionärsförbunde (SPF)

“The Swedish Pensioners’ Association is a member of AGE Platform Europe – the European umbrella organisation that looks after the interests of older people. The organisation has around 90 national affiliates, representing around 40 million older (50+) citizens. (…)Filip Hamro-Drotz has been mandated to represent the SPF in AGE, for which he participates in its […]

Nessun anziano in difficoltà – Padovanews

Nessun anziano in difficoltà – Padovanews, 27 October 2022. “Il 17 ottobre scorso, in occasione della Giornata internazionale per la lotta contro la povertà, AGE Platform Europe,- la piattaforma europea di cui Anap Confartigianato fa parte – ha pubblicato un’indagine tra i propri membri sull’impatto dell’aumento dei prezzi sugli anziani e sull’adeguatezza delle risposte dei […]

Older people around the world in action – Korean media

AGE is mentioned in this Korean press article: “Unlike these elderly civic groups, the European Federation of Older Persons and AGE Platform Europe strive to implement various ageing issues in policies and institutions by advocating citizenship. The two organizations are Europe’s leading elderly human rights protection organizations working with individual member states and the European […]

Personnes Agées – Si vieillesse pouvait… – RTBF

Personnes Agées – Si vieillesse pouvait…” / Interview of our colleague, Philippe Seidel, for the Belgian French-speaking television on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, 1st October 2022: “Elles (les personnes âgées) apportent également de l’expérience, de la transmission à nos sociétés et donc, par ce biais-là elles apportent de la résilience […]

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