September 2020 – ‘AGE Europe and BAGSO call on EU Council to strengthen rights of older people in context of growing digitalisation’ – Agence Europe

NEWS BRIEFS / SOCIAL AGE Europe and BAGSO call on EU Council to strengthen rights of older people in context of growing digitalisation 29/09/2020 (Agence Europe) – AGE Europe, the European organisation representing the interests of older people, and BAGSO, the German national association of older people, call on the German EU Council Presidency to […]

May 2020 – Vyresnio amžiaus žmonėms taikomi karantino ribojimai gali virsti diskriminacija – zmones

Meniton of AGE work on older persons’ humen rights in the the Lithuanian press: ‘yresnio amžiaus žmonėms taikomi karantino ribojimai gali virsti diskriminacija‘ (‘Quarantine restrictions on older people can lead to discrimination’) – 20 May 2020 Extract translated from Lithuanian: “In response to the exceptional situation, the international network of non-governmental organizations AGE Platform Europe […]

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