Apri-Sept 2017: AGE on the challenge of work-life balance for older women

In an article for the magazine European Expressions dated April-September 2016, Philippe Seidel, AGE Policy and EP Liaison Officer, explains the challenge of work-life balance for older women with care responsibilities and suggests possible policy solutions. Read the article ‘Reconciling work and care, a necessity for older women’

14 March 2016 – Agence Europe on webaccessibility

Article in Agence Europe, published on 14 March 2016 – on AGE joint letter to EU Council: (AE) DIGITAL: Alarm sounded over web accessibility Brussels, 11/03/2016 (Agence Europe) – Pressure is mounting over the draft directive on web accessibility. Parliament and Council negotiators are planning to hold a final inter-institutional meeting on 26 April. As […]

January 216 – International Perspectives on Aging: Towards an age-friendly EU

The publication ‘Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in International Comparison’ includes an interview with Anne-Sophie Parent and Julia Wadoux, AGE Platform Europe: “Toward an age-friendly European Union” (p. 247). This section describes “how, together with an increasingly large group of stakeholders, this advocacy group for EU citizens aged 50+ has introduced the concept of age-friendly environments […]

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