8 November 2011 – Innovation partnership on active ageing goes live next year

From Europolitics: >Research Innovation partnership on active ageing goes live next year By Tamás Kugyela | Tuesday 08 November 2011 Prevention, care and cure, independent living: these are the three main areas a pilot project on ‘active and healthy ageing’ sees as being crucial to extending healthy and active life in Europe by two years […]

7 December 2011 – Europe en France – Brochure AGE and CdR

2012 : année européenne du vieillissement actif ~ Europe en France La Commission européenne, le Comité des régions d’Europe et AGE Platform Europe ont publié une brochure sur le thème “Comment promouvoir le … www.europe-en-france.gouv.fr/…/2012-annee-europeenne-du…

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