AGE lobby efforts evident in adopted EP Resolution on the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs

On 26 October, the European Parliament adopted its Resolution on the ‘Agenda for New Skills and Jobs’. There is a lot in this report which reflects the priorities of older workers and is useful to AGE, thanks to the lobbying made by our employment experts which included:

Results of AGE lobby efforts

We are especially pleased with Article 76 of the Resolution. This is a particular achievement for AGE as most of this Article is taken directly from a proposal we had put forward:

AGE proposal for new article 26a:

26a. Emphasises the importance of increasing the number of older workers in the workforce and of mainstreaming intergenerational solidarity and cooperation within the employment context and the implementation of initiatives promoting longer working lives such as job shares, skills and career re-appraisal, employee volunteering and phased retirement including among those who are freelancers.

Adopted text in Bastos report:

76. Emphasises the importance of creating appropriate conditions to ensure that older workers can stay longer in the labour market and of mainstreaming intergenerational solidarity and cooperation within the employment context and the implementation of initiatives promoting longer working lives such as job sharing, skills and career re-appraisal, employee volunteering and phased retirement, including among those who are freelancers;

Please click here to see a comprehensive list of articles in this Resolution which support AGE’s position on issues concerning older workers.

For further details, contact Rachel Buchanan, Policy Officer for Non-discrimination and Employment at

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