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AGE members react to the EU Green Paper on Ageing

Older people’s organisations across Europe massively participated to the public consultation organised by the European Commission. The consultation aimed at collecting feedback on its EU Green Paper on Ageing. In this article, we compile the contributions submitted by our members and ask for a concrete follow-up in the months to come.

Click on the name of each organisation below to access their contribution to the consultation on the Green Paper.

On behalf of the whole network, AGE Platform Europe also submitted a response calling for an EU Age Equality Strategy.

Not only this strategy would provide a comprehensive and concrete response to the questions raised in the Green Paper, it would also provide a fair frame for all generations to take part in the future of Europe. Its added value is clear:

  • Address age discrimination and inequalities in all areas of life and across the whole life span to cover all ages (lifecourse approach);
  • Assess the impact of EU policies on each age groups (age mainstreaming);
  • Suggest and coordinate policy options paving the way to equal participation and wellbeing for all generations (rights-based approach).

This call was echoed by the UN Human Rights Experts, Mrs Claudia Mahler, and Prof Gerard Guinn in their own contribution to the consultation on EU Green Paper on Ageing. Read the response by the UN Human Rights Experts here

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