AGE members call upon the European Commission to reflect on the specific needs of older people in the European Semester

EU semesterAGE members have been increasingly involved in the European Semester for the last two years in order to influence national macro-economic and social reforms from the perspective of older peoples. In 2014, AGE has collected positions from its member organisations in 15 member states who are concerned about the effects the reforms have on older people.

AGE alternative proposals for the 2014 Country-Specific Recommendations

The European Semester is an annual policy cycle that co-ordinates macroeconomic policies in the EU. Through this process, the European Commission addresses to each member state policy recommendations, the so-called Country-Specific Recommendations (CSR), guiding them to reform their economic systems.

AGE members have been increasingly involved in the European Semester for the last two years in order to influence national macro-economic and social reforms from the perspective of older peoples. In 2014, AGE has collected positions from its member organisations in 15 member states who are concerned about the effects the reforms have on older people.

In order to influence the Commission’s guidance to members states in the framework of the European Semester, AGE released on 22 April 2014 a position paper presenting alternative proposals for CSRs 2014. AGE members’ recommendations focus primarily on creating employment opportunities for older workers, ensure adequate and sustainable pensions and social safety net for the most vulnerable older people to prevent them from falling into old-age poverty. The quality of long-term care systems are also a primary concern for AGE members. AGE recommendations have been sent to the European Commission ahead of its own CSRs to be issued later in May and adopted by the EU Council in June 2014.

In parallel, AGE has got also involved in a common reflection involving other social and environmental NGOs as well as trade unions. Together we have formed the ‘EU Alliance for a Democratic, Social and Sustainable European Semester’. Its objective is to strengthen our respective efforts and act together in order to influence more effectively the European Semester at EU level. This Alliance produced a common report ‘2014 Proposals for Country-Specific Recommendations: Progressing on A smart, sustainable and inclusive EU’, sent to the Commission to influence the upcoming Country Specific Recommendations 2014. 2013.

For AGE members follow up later during 2014

AGE is following the work of the European Semester with a dedicated Task Force 2 (coordinated by Administrative Council members), as well as through thematic Task Forces on adequate income (TF6), poverty (TF7) and employment for older people (TF4). AGE Platform Europe and its members will continue to follow and monitor the European Semester process throughout 2014.

EU member states are currently submitting their National Reform Programmes (NRPs), which outline how member states want to meet commonly set criteria on investment, spending, debt and employment. Some of the National Reform Programmes have been already published. Once the NRP for their respective countries are released, AGE members are encouraged to make an analysis of the proposals made directly as regards older people and/or age-related issues.

To learn more about AGE’s policy work on the European Semester and to consult the individual members’ alternative proposals for the 2014 Country-Specific Recommendations, please see

You can also contact directly Maciej Kucharczyk, who in the secretariat are coordinating AGE work on the European Semester.

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