AGE members celebrated ageing at older people’s international day

As every year, on the occasion of the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons (IDOP), AGE member organisations across the EU have been actively engaged in celebrating ageing and promoting a Europe for all ages.

We have just collected a few of their initiatives below.

Bonum Vitae calls for more positive narratives

Words have power. Words shape reality. It’s up to all of us how old age is perceived as full of colors or dull and sad. This is the main message conveyed by Bonum Vitae in a video launched on IDOP, as part of their EU-funded campaign ‘Ageism hurts’ aimed to mobilised for equal rights at all ages.

This initiative challenges us to reflect on ageism in our society and how each of us can change the way we view ageing and older people. By promoting positive narratives, we can work together toward a society for all ages.

This campaign is co-funded by the European Union 2024 CERV Programme – Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, via AGE Platform Europe’s Financial Support to AGE members for a European Parliament for all ages.

BAGSO call for a comprehensive care reform

On IDOP, BAGSO reiterates its call for a comprehensive care reform to address the increasing number of people in need of care and reduce the work pressure on healthcare professionals and carers. In their position paper entitled “Care and Care: New Structures in Municipal Responsibility, BAGSO argues that the municipalities should be given responsibility for care and for preventing the need for care, including for developing age-friendly places and tailored assistance services.

BAGSO adds that this responsibility must be anchored in law and adequately financed.

UDP Mayores stresses rights to dignity and participation

Our Spanish member UDP Mayores – the Unión Democrática de Pensionistas y Jubilados de España – stressed the importance older people’s participation in political, social and cultural decision-making. In its press statement, UDP calls on the Spanish Government to ensure that the National Health System guarantees older people’s right to dignity and promote their active participation in the community life.

The findings of UDP’s report on ‘Primary Care and the Public Health Services’ show significant disparities in access to and perception of healthcare services in older age.

‘It is crucial that we address these inequalities to ensure inclusive, equitable and satisfactory care for all people in Spain.’ – Inmaculada Ruiz Martín, president of UDP.

The Spanish association of pensioners also points out the importance of developing campaigns to promote healthy lifestyles, and early detection and prevention of diseases at the different stages of later life.

FATEC joins call to decision-makers

On the occasion of the International Day of Older People on 1st October, AGE member FATEC, the Federations of older people’s organisations in Catalonia, joined forces with more than a hundred civil organisations, trade unions, political parties and administrations to sign a Manifesto calling on decision makers to act to guarantee rights in older age. This Manifesto was also signed by a few well-known and outstanding personalities in Catalonia.

On 1st October, the Manifesto was read by a well-known journalist at a rally concerned in the centre of Barcelona under the slogan ‘For dignified ageing. Let’s defend our rights!’.

Catalonia is facing a rapid ageing of its population. Yet, the current policies and services are not prepared to guarantee a dignified ageing. Thousands of older people (25%) live in – or at risk of – poverty and social exclusion (the average pension is lower than in the rest of the country), face unwanted loneliness (25% of older people live alone) and lack adequate access to health and social care (only 10% of older people with long-term care need have access to a public residential place or adequate home care services).

“We want to demonstrate to society and remind them that we are here and that we want to defend our rights, starting with being able to give an opinion and influence the decisions that the institutions take in relationship with adults.” Josep Carné, president of FATEC,

Read more in Catalan

CEOMA supports ageing well through nature

On older people’s international day, AGE Spanish member CEOMA organized activities related to nature and presented the results of the EU-funded FLOWER project. The project enhances nature related competences of frail older people and their family and friends (informal caregivers), providing them with knowledge, skills and nature related activities to increase wellbeing and create awareness on sustainability.
More on CEOMA FB account

The Red Cross of Serbia raises awareness of ageism

As part of the EU-funded project ‘Age Against The Machine’ and in collaboration with the “Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture” Foundation, the Red Cross of Serbia organized an action where citizens had the opportunity to enter the “time machine” – a camper vehicle that “provides insight into the potential future.” After being photographed, with the help of a special filter, participants saw an older version of themselves.

The project aims to raise awareness about the importance of combating discrimination against older people and remind that we all have the right to dignity throughout our life cycle.

Read more on the Red Cross of Serbia’s website or in this pdf report.

Zivot 90 calls for ageing being celebrated everyday

On social media, Zivot 90 shared AGE Platform Europe’s IDOP visuals with the statement that they decided not to celebrate the Day. Not because it’s not important, but because they believe that older people deserve recognition every day!

AGE Czech member argues that older people are not different from the rest of the population – with their own dreams, experiences and abilities and calls on everyone to work together to build “a world where every person is valued. Where old age is not the end, but a new, exciting chapter in life”.

Elpida calls for action against loneliness

With the motto ‘Grandma won’t sit in the corner’, our Czech member Elpida spotted light on the large share of lonely people in old age (every fifth senior feels lonely in the Czech Republic). Often, they do not speak to anyone for several days. Feeling lonely has a negative effect not only on psychological well-being but also on physical health.

With life expectancy constantly increasing, people can spend up to a third of their lives in old age. We need to – and can – make this a great stage of life’, claims Elpida.

Age & Opportunity promotes healthy ageing through sport

On IDOP, our Irish member Age & Opportunity promoted their ‘Walking Football’ campaign aimed to support the development of this sport in Ireland. For older adults across the country, participation in Walking Football enhances physical and mental well-being and provides a great opportunity for social engagement.

S-Plus vzw shares inspiring old-age stories

On International Day of older people, S-Plus, AGE member in Belgium, sheds light on LinkedIn on the photo exhibition they are running in different Flemish cities in 2024 and 2025. Under the title ‘Too old? No way!‘ the exhibition aims to debunk current biased ageist perceptions and show the diversity of today’s older people.

The exhibition features 26 special over-50s and 20 inspiring stories showing that ‘old is definitely not out’. In 2024, you could already admire the exhibition in Genk. In 2025, the photos will travel on to other provinces, including Antwerp, Flemish Brabant, East Flanders and West Flanders.

Respect seniors sheds lights on abuse in older age

The Belgian association seized IDOP momentum to raise awareness of the prevalence of elder abuse, sharing some figures at international and regional levels. They also reminded of their action to fight elder abuse in the Walloon region (Southern Belgium). Read more in this press article in French

They also also shared their activities at two fairs dedicated to seniors in Charleroi and Mons.

Fundacion Pilares supports older people’s rights and autonomy

The Spanish organisation seized the IDOP to promote their publications available on their website in practical guide format: one to promote the effective exercise of the rights of people in family care at home; the other, to promote them in residences and day centres through professional action. See their FB posts

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