AGE new publication: “Active Senior Citizens for Europe: A Guide to the EU”

AGE new publication:

To be launched on 20 November 2012
at AGE-CoR thematic seminar ‘Creating an age-friendly EU’

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“Active Senior Citizens for Europe:
A Guide to the European Union”

AGE Platform Europe will be launching a new publication to support older people’s active involvement in the decision-making process of the EU and mark the International Day of Older Persons on 1st October 2012.

The publication, launched in the framework of the European Year 2012 of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, provides an overview of the EU legal and political framework that supports older people and an update on the EU decision making process. It seeks to raise awareness among older citizens on how the EU functions, how decisions are made, how citizens, including older people, can enjoy their rights and seek redress when these are not respected and how they can get involved and influence the EU policy making process. Our aim is also to help older citizens get more actively involved in the European Year 2013 of Citizens and the upcoming elections of the European Parliament in 2014.

The document contains 3 main parts:

  • EU legal framework and political context
  • EU action to promote older people’s rights (in different policy areas)
  • The European and international institutions, and decision making processes

This 80-page brochure, which will be available in English and French and in both electronic and printed versions, will be presented at the AGE-CoR thematic seminar ‘Creating an age-friendly EU‘ on 20 November at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels.

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