AGE participation in conference on “Demography and employment: what place do older workers have in tomorrows company”

On 29 May, AGE participated in a conference organised by Swiss Occidental Leonardo, which was organised in close cooperation with partners of the mature@eu project, on ‘Demography and employment: what place do older workers have in tomorrow’s company?’ in Geneva. AGE was represented by the Secretariat who spoke on ‘Active ageing: a European policy priority’, outlining the importance of employment for older workers, EU policies to promote this and the AGE position on active ageing. The text of this presentation can be found below.

More generally, the conference looked at measures to promote the employment of older workers and at the implementation of proactive ageing policies at the company level. It included a lively panel discussion which included debate on the persisting tendancy of employers to include age specifications in job advertisements, and the need to reconciliation the interests of younger and older workers.

Useful documents:

  • AGE presentation EN, FR
  • Slides FR

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