AGE Platform Europe welcomes the European Parliament’s call for a greater solidarity between generations


Brussels, 11th November 2010

AGE Platform Europe welcomes the European Parliament’s call for a greater solidarity between generations

“We are delighted with the adoption today in plenary of Thomas Mann’s own initiative report by such an overwhelming majority[1], said Anne-Sophie Parent, Director of AGE Platform Europe. “The report reflects the recommendations of youth, women and older people’s organisations and promotes the vision of a society for all ages based on greater solidarity and cooperation between generations, a key objective if we wish to develop solutions to the EU demographic challenge that are financially and socially sustainable on the long-term” added Ms Parent.

The report includes very innovative proposals such as the Fifty-plus employment pact, the European Youth guarantee, the generational accounting and it supports the launch of a European Year on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity on 2012.

AGE is pleased that the report includes in article 76 a reference to the proposed new antidiscrimination legislation to cover age, disability, religion and sexual orientation in access to goods and services. “Together with youth organisations, we feel that such legislation is needed to protect both young and older people from age discrimination in access to essential goods and services and to promote an environment that will remove all barriers to their full participation”, explained Parent at a press conference this morning. “We are convinced that such legislation would actually benefit EU economy by creating a level playing field for EU industry to take full advantage of the EU single market”.

AGE calls on the European Commission and Council to take on board the recommendations of Mr. Mann’s report and to use the upcoming European Year to develop an ambitious programme of political commitments to promote active ageing to support greater solidarity between generations.

AGE, the European Youth Forum and the European Women Lobby have coordinated their responses to the Green paper on Pensions and will release their proposals through a joint press release on Friday 12 November 2010 at noon.


1] Mr Mann’s report was adopted in plenary with 440 votes in favour, 122 votes against and 43 abstentions

Press release in pdf format

Communiqué de presse en français

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