AGE thematic seminar on “Creating an age-friendly European Union”


20 November 2012

10:00 – 16.00

AGE thematic seminar on

“Creating an age-friendly European Union”

Venue: Committee of the Regions

Rue Belliard 99-101, B-1040 Brussels

Room: JDE51

Interpretation will be provided in English and French

A report of the event is available here

Active ageing and intergenerational solidarity are key aspects in the EU’s growth and jobs strategy for this decade – Europe 2020. Its aim is to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This will not be possible without the development and implementation of new solutions to address the demographic changes taking place in our societies. The Committee of Regions is closely following these policy developments and cooperates with AGE Platform European on mobilising both stakeholders and the existing financial resources at local level to implement the objective of active ageing.

Creating an Age-Friendly European Union means fostering solidarity between generations and enabling the active participation and involvement of all age groups in society while providing them with adequate support and protection. This is also the goal of our campaign for the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012.

With this thematic seminar that AGE is co-organising with the Committee of the Regions, our aim is to look at the role of local and regional authorities in the creation of an Age-Friendly European Union by 2020. The workshop will seek to draw recommendations on what can be done at grass-root level to adapt goods, products and services to the specific needs of all age groups.

Please note that this thematic seminar is the last of a series of three that AGE is co-organising with the Committee of the Regions to mark the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012. The first seminar discussed age-friendly labour markets and social protection systems (March) and the second one tackled the impact of the crisis on older people (June).

The outcome of all three seminars will be disseminated as a legacy of the EY2012 to promote a long-lasting change in the perception of ageing and create a more age-friendly EU by 2020.

The registration form for the event will be available at the beginning of September, but we invite you to already save this date in your calendar. Please note that unfortunately AGE cannot cover your travel and accommodation costs.

In order to register, please click here by Monday 5 November 2012.

For the draft agenda, please click below:

Programme in English

Programme en français

Background Note – Draft

Speakers biographies

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