AGE welcomes the EIP-AHA’s support to age-friendly environments

Brussels, 08 November 2011

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

AGE welcomes the EIP-AHA’s support to age-friendly environments

“AGE fully endorses the Strategic Implementation Plan of the EU Partnership for active and healthy ageing issued yesterday by the Steering Group. We hope its comprehensive and multi dimensional approach will back up the campaign objective agreed by AGE’s members and the EY2012 coalition of promoting an age-friendly EU in which all citizens regardless of their age are empowered to lead active and healthy lives,” says Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary-General.

The high level Steering group, which was set up in May 2011 to support the launch and implementation of the pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, has revealed its Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) with action proposals and recommendations intended to the European institutions and the Member States. The SIP aims to help reach the Partnership’s overall target of increasing by 2 the average number of years people are expected to live healthily. It seeks therefore to remove existing barriers in the areas of active and healthy ageing in identifying cross-cutting solutions, bridging sectors and resources and sharing good practices.

However, as Ms Parent points out, “in order to reach the ambitious objective set up by the EU, measures are also needed to make sure that all actors on the ground at local, regional and national level are mobilized. Involving local and regional actors and public authorities is essential if we want the implementation of the EU Innovation Partnership to be successful and truly impact on older people’s chances of ageing in good health.”

This is why, AGE, in the framework of the upcoming European Year 2012 for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, has joined forces with the Committee of the Regions to publish a brochure presenting existing EU funding programmes to promote active ageing at local and regional level in Europe: “How to promote active ageing in Europe – EU support to local and regional actors”


More information:

Press release in pdf format

Communiqué de presse en français

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