New report bridges the Green Paper on Ageing and EU Disability Rights Strategy

AGE has worked with an Early Stage Researcher to produce a policy report which critically analyses the EU Green Paper on Ageing from a disability rights perspective. The report also explores links between this initiative and the EU Disability Rights Strategy to fulfil the rights of older persons with disabilities. Ms Ainsley McLean is PhD […]

Access to and acceptance of cash remains a key issue

After 10 months of hard work, the final report of the working group on Access to and Acceptance of Cash has been welcomed by the European Retail Payment Bord (ERPB) of the European Central Bank. Thanks the contributions made by AGE members under the leadership of our representative in that group, Anne-Sophie Parent, the challenges […]

Reducing Ageism: Synergies in research and policy

Last September, the online policy event organised as part of the EuroAgeism project explored the different forms of ageism and strategies to combat it. The event presented the outcome of this unique multi-disciplinary, multi-sectorial project on ageism and how these lessons can be applied in future research, policy and practice. Discriminatory homogenization Already at the […]

SHAPES workshop gives the floor to older people and people with disabilities

On 26 October, we organised the 4th Dialogue Workshop of SHAPES under the title “Diversity and empowerment: understanding the realities of older people”. The workshop brought together 176 participants from academia, health and care, civil society and older self-advocates. They expose the lived realities of older people and people with disabilities to bring SHAPES closer […]

Green Paper on Ageing – Age equality is not negotiable!

Earlier this year, we participated in the consultation launched by the European Commission along with its Green Paper on Ageing. Our expectations were high: we proposed a draft European Age Equality Strategy as one of the main initiatives to be included in a White Paper on Ageing. But to our great disappointment, we received confirmation […]

AGE joins an exhibition of global campaigns for the human rights of older people

In order to explore ways of supporting the human rights of older persons at the global level, an online exhibition collects the work of campaigners worldwide. AGE is part of the exhibition with our campaigns Ageing Equal and EU Leads The Rally. Hosted by the ASEM Global Ageing Center (AGAC), the Online Exhibition of Global […]

International Day of Older Persons 2021: three take-aways

Older people are mobilized for social change and demand to be consulted on matters that concern them. Yet, systemic ageism often stands in the way. On 1st October, we called on governments to engage with older people in preparation of the next UN discussions on human rights and ageing. Ageism is systemic and intersectional The […]

Intergenerational learning to face disinformation – DIGITOL launches online workshops

The first online workshop of Digitol project last 29 September was a great moment of mutual learning on how to prevent and address the spread of disinformation and fake news. Discussions highlighted namely the importance of: developing a learning platform enriched and updated constantly with new resources from actors involved in fighting misinformation; spreading grassroots […]

Ageing deserves a White Paper! – AGE replies to State of the Union address

Following the State of the Union address of the President of the European Commission, we express our concerns regarding the follow-up to be given to the Green Paper on Ageing. We very much regret that no word was said about how the European Commission wants to make our ageing societies a place for all ages. […]

2021 EU Long-term care report : A highly useful analysis to inform care policymaking

The EU long-term care report publised by the European Commission last June provides a good overview of the trends, challenges and opportunities of an ageing Europe. Yet, we have identified room for improvement, namely in terms of narrative and policy ambitions. We also point out some recommendations for action as a next step to this […]

Interested in innovation for ageing well? Subscribe to e-VITA’s newsletter

e-VITA is a joint European – Japanese cooperation project for smart ageing. Japan is known for having one of the oldest populations in the world and researching ways to support older adults in staying independent. AGE is involved in this international research project to encourage international exchange of good practices in the field of active […]

Conference on the future of Europe: Support our call for an Age Equality Strategy!

The Conference on the Future of Europe started last Spring and is now entering a new phase: citizens’ panels will start discussing and defining recommendations to be submitted to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in early 2022. To nourish the debates a digital platform is open for every citizen to share […]

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