Conference on the future of Europe: Support our call for an Age Equality Strategy!

The Conference on the Future of Europe started last Spring and is now entering a new phase: citizens’ panels will start discussing and defining recommendations to be submitted to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in early 2022. To nourish the debates a digital platform is open for every citizen to share […]

‘Lead with us’: A call to action

“Lead With Us” is an appeal to governments and media to genuinely engage with us – older people to champion human rights for all ages. Campaign with us to encourage your government and media to listen to older people’s voices! 1. Ask your government to discuss human rights with older people We have prepared this […]

The Right to Work in Old Age

Drafted on the 20th anniversary of the EU Employment Framework directive our report explores the challenges older people face in accessing justice and equally enjoying the right to work.

Digital literacy and disinformation in Europe – DIGITOL keeps you updated

The DIGITOL project combats the effect and the spread of fake-news by developing older persons’ digital literacy and promoting EU common values. Learn more about DIGITOL’s approach through the Training of Trainers infographic (also available in Italian – Bulgarian – Greek – German), its newsletter (EN – IT – BG – GR – DE) and […]

#justice4Stanislav – Civil society stands against stigma and human rights abuses

Following the death of Stanislav Tomáš, a Romani man from Teplice, Czech Republic, as a result the troubling police intervention last 19 June, ERGO, the European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network, sent a joint letter to the EU institutions demanding #justice4Stanislav. We have co-signed the letter together with 350 European networks, national NGOs and individuals across […]

Towards an EU Age Equality Strategy: Delivering equal rights at all ages

The COVID-19 crisis has provided further evidence of the detrimental impact of ageism affecting both younger and older people’s dignity and capacity to participate in society. It clearly reminds us that equality is key to shaping fair societies where all individuals, regardless of their age, are given the support they need and the opportunities to […]

AGE contributes to work of UN Independent Expert on older people’s rights

In order to inform her upcoming reports, the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Claudia Mahler, has recently called on Member States, NGOs, National Human Rights Institutions, UN agencies and other stakeholders to submit contributions on the topics of ageism and age discrimination and on the challenges faced by […]

Gender-based violence: do not forget older women!

On 10 May we shared our views on violence against women with the European Commission. This happened in the framework of a consultation to assess the actions taken by member states to address this issue. We drew attention to the fact that older women are often forgotten in policies around gender-based violence. And so despite […]

Hate speech and hate crime: AGE shares views with the European Commission

At the end of April, we responded to a European Commission’s consultation on hate speech and hate crime. The consultation aimed to assess public opinion on the inclusion of these offences on the list of EU crimes. In our submission, we pointed to the links between ageism, hate speech against older people and elder abuse. […]

Protein malnutrition: PROMISS recommendations & online conference on 25 June

AGE has been involved for the past 5 years in the EU-funded PROMISS project which focused on protein malnutrition of older people living at home. Based on the research conducted in the project, recommendations were developed to support older people to prevent protein malnutrition. You can find these recommendations in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, […]

Technology for healthy ageing: SHAPES Workshop explored potential and challenges

The 3rd SHAPES Dialogue Workshop, organized last 27 April with the support of AGE Platform Europe, addressed the technical and societal opportunities and challenges of technological platforms. Led by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), the event relied to a great extent on the national Spanish perspective. The event is part of a series of […]

AGE joins call for more coherence between EU’s health and green objectives

We have joined forces with the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) to call for more coherence betwen EU’s Green Deal, mobility policy and EU4Health programme. Together with 20 organisations, we urge the establishment of a ‘Green Pillar’ within the European Health Union, which would help to both meet the […]

On the Road to Porto – A solidarity Action Plan for all generations

As the recent event in Porto highlighted, the EU Pillar of Social Rights has a tremendous potential to address the multiple-fold impact of an ageing Europe and create a more age-friendly society… provided we give ourselves the means to implement it. On 28th April 2021, the event ‘On the Road to Porto – A solidarity […]

EU Day of Solidarity 2021 – There is no solidarity without equality!

While the pandemic spares no one, it is clearer than ever that we need to support all individuals regardless of age. As we celebrate solidarity between generations, we recall that age equality is the backbone of cohesion, wellbeing, and ultimately: our capacity to mutually support one another! On 29 April, we celebrate the 13th edition […]

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