Another step towards the engagement of users in research: the 10th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematic – ICOST 2012

Another step towards the engagement of users in research: the 10th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematic – ICOST 2012

ICOST is considered as a premier venue for the presentation and discussion of research in the design, development, deployment and evaluation of Smart Environments, Assistive Technologies and Health Telematics systems. The 10thmeeting of this International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics brought together stakeholders from clinical, academic and industrial perspectives and along with end users and their family carers explored how Smart Homes and Health Telematics can foster independent living and offer an enhanced quality of life.

AGE Platform Europe submitted a paper on the practical guidance for user involvement in research, which was accepted and presented during the Conference by Ilenia Gheno, giving the opportunity to focus on the challenges and chances of involving older people at the earliest stages of research.

The event foresaw a pre-conference meeting aimed at presenting different European projects, where AGE was invited to give an overview of the Veritasproject from the beneficiaries’ perspective (older people and people with disabilities). During the core-moments of the Conference, which gathered representatives of a broad range of stakeholders from all over Europe, the Unites States, Japan, Korea, Pakistan and China, AGE focused on the key issues related to the users’ engagement and raised awareness on the main advantages and challenges at stake when older people’s views are concretely taken into account.

Proceedings of Conference and further feedback will be soon available on-line. In the meanwhile, for any information please contact“>

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