Age UK is the Digital Charity of the year

Our UK member organisation Age UK was awarded UK Digital Charity of the year 2018 at the Digital Leaders 100 ceremony in London as part of the National Digital Conference 2018. Over 400 Digital Leaders, influencers and innovators from across the United Kingdom gathered to network and celebrate the true digital transformation champions of the […]

Italian politicians still ‘far from reality’, denounces ATDAL40+

In a press statement released on 2nd June 2018, AGE Italian member organisation Atdal Over 40 denounces the status quo of the Italian politicians on the introduction of a basic income and on the question of minimum hourly salary. The organisation representing senior workers in Italy provided their recommendations to the Senate in 2015, but […]

ACLAP celebrated solidarity between generations

A few days after the EU Day of Solidarity between Generations of 29th April, AGE French member organisation ACLAP celebrated the momentum in Marseilles, France, on 3rd May 2018. On that occasion the objectives of AGE Platform Europe were presented, followed by testimonies from the French intergenerational network PACA. 6 new signatories of ACLAP’s intergenerational […]

APRe! national conference addressed ageing issues in Portugal

The national conference on “Aging – what proposals – what answers?”, organized in Portugal on 14 May by APRe! was well attended and attracted a large number of older people. The Speakers presented the main problems affecting the older population in Portugal. Four Members of the National Parliament and of different political parties were invited […]

PRO highlights shortcomings of Swedish pension system

AGE Swedish member organisation PRO has been interviewed by the French newspaper Le Monde on the current pension Swedish pension system, which is now taken as a model by the French government to guide future pension reforms in France. Swedish pensions are based on a universal regime relying on individual notional accounts and indexed according […]

AGE member involvement as Independent Expert in EU project FrailSafe

After 40 years of involvement in the care of older persons as practitioner and academic, Ingrid Eyers, from AGE member organisation EAHSA (the European Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing), is now caring for her mother and mother-in-law, both in their early 90’ies. Her experience as professional and informal carer gives her a […]

EU-funded project trains professionals working with older persons with sensory impairments

The Istituto Rittmeyer, a member of the European Association for Directors and Providers of Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly (E.D.E.), is involved in an EU-funded project aimed at training professionals working with older people with sensory impairments: the SENSNET project. More specifically, SENSNET is developing a European Academy that will design, develop, collect, test […]

Challenges of minimum income discussed in France

AGE French member organisation Les Petits Frères des Pauvres organized a European seminar on minimum incomes in France and Europe in Lille on 25 April 2018. The seminar, which took part as the EMIN EU-wide bus tour passed through Lille, shed light on the barriers faced by people living in poverty and the beneficiaries of […]

Generations Mouvement elects new President

During their national meeting in La Rochelle on 20-23 March 2018, the French association ‘Générations Mouvement’ elected its new President Mr Henri Lemoine. ‘Générations Mouvement’ is the largest network of retirees in France, bringing together about 8500 local organisations and 100 000 volunteers across the country for more than 40 years. Mr Lemoine is retired […]

Swift transition to cashless payment raises concerns in Sweden

With 85% of Swedish 16 to 74-year-olds banking online in 2017, Sweden is leading the way towards a cashless society. Although this trend is accepted – and even welcomed – by many Swedes as resulting from the rapidly growing digitalization of financial services, some worry about the difficulties this rapid transition poses for vulnerable population […]

Malta joins action in favour of the EU Work-life balance directive

Responding to AGE’s call, Malta has joined Spain and Switzerland to bring national support to the European directive on work-life balance proposed last year by the European Commission. The National Council for the Elderly of Malta, has contacted the two ministries involved: the Ministry for Education and Employment and the Ministry for the Family, Children’s […]

AGE Spanish member joins national protest against pension reforms

The declining level of pensions is raising much concern and strong protests in Spain. Since January 2018 pensioners and retirees have been demonstrating in the streets of Bilbao every Monday to protest against the pension reforms decided by the Spanish government and to call for more decent pensions. This call was joined in Madrid on […]

AGE France comments strike of care home professionals in France

In reaction to the strike of care home professionals that took place in France on 30th January (read our article here), Nicole Legrain, from AGE France, published a comment which looks at the causes of the difficult situation facing professional caregivers and suggests possible solutions. Read this comment here

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