50plus Hellas provides free ICT training to older people

As in other countries, older adults 55 to 74 years of age are now the fastest growing group of Internet users in Greece, with numbers exploding from 8% in 2009 to 31% in 2016 (Eurostat, 2017) During the past four years 50plus Hellas has been providing training on ICT to older people with the support […]

Age UK study on keeping mind sharp in old age

Age UK has founded a study carried out at the University of Edinburgh on how thinking skills (like reasoning and memory) and brain can age better as we grow older. Research suggests what we can do to stay sharp as we grow older: keep active, don’t smoke, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, […]

Sad news…

AGE Platform Europe is very sad to hear that Elio D’Orazio passed away recently, quite unexpectedly. Elio has been actively involved in AGE since its creation. He was Vice-President of AGE from 2005 to 2008 and a member of AGE Council for many years, as a Full Council member or substitute. He also coordinated AGE […]

Age UK publishes its policy priorities for older people after Brexit

This paper sets out some possible implications of UK’s leave from the European Union on older people, looking at the areas of public policy where the EU has particularly touched older people’s lives and what will be Age UK’s priorities to ensure a better later life for everyone in old age. Download the publication (pdf) […]

Enéo débat de l’avenir de l’Europe au Parlement européen

Les membres de la « Cellule Europe » d’Enéo, Mouvement social des Aînés en Belgique et membre de AGE, ont organisé, en collaboration avec Messieurs Pascal Arimont et Claude Rolin, membres du Parlement européen, un débat le 21 mars au Parlement européen. Un résumé de cette rencontre peut être téléchargé ici. Les discussions portaient sur […]

BAGSO publishes paper on mental diseases in old age

AGE German member organisation BAGSO has released an updated version of the brochure ‘Wenn die Seele krank ist – PSYCHOTHERAPIE im höheren Lebensalter’, which informs about mental illnesses in old age and their treatment options. The 52-page publication (in German) can be downloaded here (pdf)

VDK and BAGSO call for greater accessibility prior to 2017 German election

Ahead of the German election planned in September 2017, AGE’s German member organisations VDK and BAGSO have co-signed – together with 13 other German organisations – a Joint Declaration on Accessibility. In Germany, people with disabilities still encounter insurmountable obstacles in their role as citizens, consumers or patients. Existing legal requirements are often inadequate or […]

Age UK reacts to governments’ pledge on social care

Following the release of national statistics on unmet care needs – which increase with age – the UK governement has announced extra funding for social care. Age UK welcomes the news but fears it ‘will make little practical difference to most older people’. ‘We hope the Government will permit councils to raise council tax to […]

FATEC organises training session on ageism

FATEC, the Federation of Associations of Older People of Catalunya (Spain) in collaboration with the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) and Catalan Governments is organising an annual cycle of seminars on ‘Science, Society and Ageing’. In this frame, the first thematic session took advantage of the focus on the UN International Day of Older […]

BAGSO co-organizes national award to promote use of digital technology in old age

AGE’s German member organisation BAGSO co-organized the Golden Internet Prize 2016 whose winners were awarded in Berlin on 10 November 2016. The award aimed to spotlight initiatives developed by and with older people in order to promote the use of the wide spectrum of digital media in three categories: everyday use of digital media in […]

ATDAL OVER 40 showcased in photo exhibition celebrating social, non-for-profit value

ATDAL Over 40 is one of the non-profit organisations celebrated by the photographic exhibition “Don’t get over it”, organized in Rome by Censis Foundation, Tiburtina Station and BNL on the value of gratuitousness and solidarity, open from October 20th to November 4th, 2016 inside the Tiburtina Station. It is a “Decumanus of solidarity” 65 meters […]

BAGSO responds to report of UN Independent Expert on older people’s rights

On the occasion of the International Older People’s Day of 1st October, AGE German member organisation BAGSO published its opinion on the final report of the UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons and commits to examining proposals for the elaboration of a specific UN Convention for the protection […]

OKRA flashmob marks Older Persons’International Day and shows worldwide solidarity

To mark the International Day of Older Persons on 1st October 2016, the Belgium organisation OKRA organised together with the NGO Wereldsolidariteit een flashmob in the central station of Antwerpen. About 500 older persons came together and danced under Shakira’s song ‘Waka waka (this time for Africa)’, to express their solidarity with older persons around […]

Belgian organisations joined together to celebrate Older Person’s International Day

On Friday 30 September, the Belgian organisation les Aînés du CD/H celebrated the International Day of Older Persons together with the CD/V seniors at the Flemish Parliament in Brussels to discuss age discrimination and elder abuse. After a welcome speech by An Herman, UES President and President of the CD/V seniors, the Belgian Minister for […]

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