Entr’âges recruite

L’organisation belge Entr’âges recrute un(e) Directeur(-trice) à mi-temps et un(e) secrétaire à temps plein pour son bureau situé à Bruxelles. Vous trouverez plus d’informations dans les documents pdf ci-dessous: poste de Directeur(-trice) poste de Secrétaire

Age UK partners in national Human Rights campaign ‘Equally Ours’

Age UK partners with 7 other UK charities in the campaign ‘Equally Ours’ to talk about the importance of human rights and how they benefit us all in everyday life. They share stories of how people have relied on human rights in their everyday lives and carry out detailed research on public attitudes to human […]

BAGSO launches new EU-funded project promoting innovative education in care

New BAGSO project: „Neue Rollen für die Zivilgesellschaft in einer „Caring Community“: Innovative Bildung für mehr Lebensqualität und Selbstbestimmung im Alter“ (ERASMUS+ 2016-2017) Core of the ERASMUS+ mobility project in adult education are two 3-day trainings provided by the Dutch organization LOC – Zeggenschap in zorg, known for its successful development, description and transmission of […]

Healthy Community Association organizes international conference on healthy ageing

AGE Turkisch member Healthy Community Association/Sağlıklı Toplum Derneği is co-organizing an international conference on health and health care. ‘Healthy Aging at the Crossroads: Challenges and Need for Future Action’ will take place in Istanbul, Turkey on 21-23 September 2017. Click here for more information on this event

AGE UK warns against ‘Old versus Young’ misinterpretation of UK referendum

The outcome of the UK referendum in favour of UK leaving the European Union has generated strong emotional reactions in particular considering the close result and its impact reaching beyond national borders. Although this is quite understandable, Age UK deplores the unfair tendency to put the blame on the older population and reduce the referendum […]

Okra celebrates 60th anniversary

To mark its 60th anniversary, AGE’s Flemish organisation OKRA has released a video glancing at the political and social activities of the organisation to promote older people’s rights and social inclusion and improve quality of life in old age in the Netherlands. Click here to watch the video

‘Is Europe doing enough for older people?’ – AGE UK meeting

The UK members of AGE Platform Europe are organising a public meeting entitled ‘Is Europe doing enough for older people?’, which will take place in London from 2 to 4 pm. Download the programme here (pdf) For more information, please contact cg20084@gmail.com

FATEC co-organizes high-level debate on elder abuse

The Catalan organisation FATEC was one of the partners of a well attended debate held in Barcelona on 3rd May 2016 on ‘Elder abuse: a hidden reality calling for (approriate) responses’. The event examined the current situation of elder abuse in Catalunya and discussed possible actions to effectively tackle the issue. Recognized as one of […]

Portraits of great senior ‘achievers’

Paula Marckx, member of the Dutch organisation OKRA, has published a series of portraits of ‘high achievers’ from Belgium who have marked their time. It is based on the ‘Paula’s Place’column published in the Gazette van Detroit since 2007. At the age of 90, Mrs. Marckx remains very active in writing articles mostly for American […]

Alternativa 50+ publishes positions on caregivers and social housing in the Czech Republic

Both positions have been issued as part of the project ‘Through improvement of anti-discriminatory and social legislation towards benefits for vulnerable women’ supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Let’s Give (Wo)men a Chance programme. Alternative 50+‘s position of caregivers analyses the concept and implementation of social policy in the Czech Republic in […]

Les ‘Petits Frères des Pauvres’ celebrates 70th anniversary

The French organisation ‘Les Petits Frêres de Pauvres’ is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Created in April 1046, after the Second World War, the association has, since then, been providing assistance to frail and isolated older people living in poverty, with a focus on emotional support and human relationship. Next to specific actions, e.g. […]

ESU newsletter looks at paid work after retirement

Leif Hallberg Paid from the European Seniors Union (ESU), explains how work after retirement is getting more and more widespread withiin the European Union and that facilitating this trend can contribute to sustainable pension systems. Read the article here

European Seniors Union (ESU) warns of the urgent need to defeat dementia

With the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other age-related dementias due to the ageing of the population worldwide, fighting dementia must now get the full support of governments and policymakers, if we want to avoid the collapse of health care systems in many European countries, as Mr Leif Hallberg, Hon. President, European Seniors […]

BAGSO publishes paper on older people’s engagement for refugees in Germany

German AGE member BAGSO has released a publication highlighting the important work done by senior volunteers in Germany to stem the arrival and integration of refugees. Linked to the developments of the Syrian and Irakian civil war, and renewed violence in conflicts in Northern and Eastern Africa, Germany accounted for 1.1 million refugees arriving in […]

OMENIA organizes TaiChi classes to promote healthy ageing in Romania

Following the Tai-Chi event organised by AGE in the European Parliament in November 2015, our Romanian member organisation OMENIA has taken up the example and will be launching courses for pensioners in springtime to promote sport and physical activities among seniors in Romania. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2UrHGwj4Sg&list=PL15F0A4FD25E858D0&index=10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3st7SuzRgo&list=PL15F0A4FD25E858D0&index=8

Enéo seminar addresses complex and sensitive topic of migration

On 29 January, the Belgian older people’s organisation Enéo organised a seminar to debate on migration and in particular address the widespread concerns and fears linked to the current migratory flow in Europe. The Director of Amnesty international Belgium, Philippe Hensmans, provided some factual information on the issue and challenged negative stereotypes against refugiees, which […]

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