CEOMA campaigns against the use of restraint of people with dementia in Spain

Since 2004 the Spanish confederation of older persons, CEOMA, has been running the programme “TO UNTIE THE ELDERLY AND PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE”, which promotes the complete elimination of chemical and physical restraints in the care of dependent older people. Under the motto ‘Zero tolerance of restraint’ for people with dementia, the programme denounces the […]

BAGSO 11th German Senior Citizens’ Day in Frankfurt: ‘United into the Future!’

The 11th German Senior Citizens’ Day 2015 is the major three-day event of the German National Association of Senior Citizen’s Organisations (BAGSO). Debates with prominent political guests and more than 100 events and activities attracted more than 15.000 visitors. Experts from AGE Platform Europe, from Austria, Luxemburg, Poland, Slovakia and the Netherlands offered a platform […]

Age UK campaigns against loneliness in old age

Age UK has launched a campaign entitled ‘No one should have no one’ to raise awareness of the issue of loneliness which affect the lives of millions of older people. Age UK has also initiated a petition urging the government to take action to prevent and tackle this ‘serious public health problem’, which is ‘not […]

FOCAGG project enhances accessibility and autonomy in old age

AGE Catalan member, FOCAGG, is running the “MyHome” project, a social project to improve independent living by upgrading the personal accessibility and mobility at home and in our nearest environment. MyHome offers not only a financial aid, but also a technical and legal assistance and other services in the field of housing upgrade to people […]

New Enéo publication challenges ageing stereotypes

On the occasion of the UN International Day of Older Persons, the Belgian organisation Énéo has launched a publication ‘Imag’Aînés’, resulting from a two-year project and campaign run in cooperation with its members. The document looks at older people’s perception (of themselves and by others) and is based on the outcome of a survey carried […]

ATDAL launches anti-poverty campaign in Italy

ATDAL, Italian member of AGE Platform Europe, is part of the 17th October campaign MISERIA LADRA (Misery is a Thief) with actions and activities throughout the country against social inequalities, recalling the right to equality and dignity enshrined in Article 3 of the Italian Constitution. The Campaign was launched on Saturday 17th in Rome to […]

Inauguration de la Maison de l’Intergénération à Bruxelles

L’organisation belge Courants d’Ages se joint aux organisations Entr’Ages et Atoutage pour ouvrir la Maison de l’Intergénération à Bruxelles. L’inauguration a eu lieu le 1er octobre, journée internationale des personnes âgées. Adresse : Maison de l’Intergénération Boulevard de la Révision 38 1070 Bruxelles

Nordic senior organisations jointly call for welcoming refugees

The Nordic Older People Organisations meeting in Denmark in September 2015 issued a common statement calling on Nordic countries to welcome fleeing refugees. Read the press release below: Nordic Senior organisations: We owe it to the world to welcome refugees to our countries “We who represent the generation that has seen war up close, remember […]

ANBO warns of insufficient financing for home care in the Netherlands

The Dutch Senior Organisation ANBO is sounding the alarm about the financing of home care in the Netherlands, which they say are not getting the financial support needed from health insurers to manage the increased demand. New funding plans for home care this year and next year are already partly implemented in the Netherlands. For […]

BAGSO takes position on draft German hospice and palliative law

The German federal association of senior citizens organisations (BAGSO) has issued a position statement on a draft law to improve hospice and palliative care in Germany. BAGSO welcomes the initiative of the Federal Government but highlights some shortcomings, namely with regard to the (insufficient) provision of care in rural areas, the training and availability of […]

Dr. Fausto Felli passed away

We are very sad to announce the death of Dr. Fausto Felli, President of Equity In Health Institute (Italy). For years Fausto battled at EU and national level to promote greater health equity and find sustainable solutions to guarantee universal access to health and long-term care for all and in particular for our ageing population. […]

Zivot90 contributes to Czech national action plan on ageing

The Czech government has adopted an updated version of its National Action Plan for Positive Ageing for the period 2013 – 2017, which outlines a series of measures aiming to adapt the Czech society to its population ageing. AGE Czech member, Zivot 90, actively contributed to the drafting of this National Action Plan, namely by […]

ATDAL Over 40 launches service to report age discrimination in job adverts

A new service provided by AGE Italian member ATDAL Over 40 promotes equal opportunities for Italian jobless seniors. Have you ever been prevented from applying for a job or a selection process for a post by open competition, as the advertisement (or the announcement) had set age limits ? ATDAL Over 40 (no. 257 of […]

Age & Opportunities supports access to EU funding in Ireland

AGE Irish member, Age & Opportunities, is part of the ‘Access Europe’, a joint initiative of 13 Irish organisations aimed to build the capacity of Irish organisations to access and manage EU funding to support their projects and activities. Started in 2013 the project seeks to help civil society organisations to benefit from further engagement […]

EAHSA elects new president

The Executive Board of the European Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing (EAHSA) has elected Mr. Aad Koster, one of its board members, as EAHSA new President. Mr. Koster is Chief executive officer of ActiZ, the Dutch association for residential and home care organisations and infant and child health clinics. ‘My goal with […]

NPC national conference will address health and well-being in old age

The National Pensioners Convention, one of AGE UK Members, will be holding its 2015 national conference on Friday 9th October 2015 in Attleborough (UK). The morning session will discuss the NPC’s Pensioners Manifesto and the political perspectives. The afternoon will be dedicated to addressing health & well-being of the Older Person. Click here for the […]

Age UK reports on the ‘Future of Transport in an Ageing Society’.

Age UK collaborated with the International Longevity Center UK to publish a report on ‘The Future of Transport in an Ageing Society’. The paper highlights the current gaps and upcoming challenges which need to be addressed in the area of transport in order to better meet the needs of UK’s growing older population. After exploring […]

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