Fatec’s conference introduces the Hello Brain project at FIRAGRAN fair

Last Saturday June 6th, Fatec organized a conference/workshop to present the Hello Brain project in the FIRAGRAN fair, held in Barcelona from 4th to 7th June (www.firagran.com). Mrs. Mercé Mas as ambassador of the project and Mrs. Cristina Negrié introduced the project to the audience and explained that brain health and cognition are critical not […]

AFE-INNOVNET: EU session on age-friendly environments at BAGSO’s Seniors’ fair, 2 July

Organised by AGE German organisation BAGSO (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen e.V.) with the participation of Chancelor Dr. Angela Merkel, the 3-day German Seniors’ fair will feature informative and interactive 100 events on a number of ageing issues such as health and care, citizens’ social and political participation, housing and wellbeing. It will also include on 2 […]

Enéo supports Belgian national campaign promoting social protection for all

In a context where social protection systems are put under pressure in Belgium and Europe, AGE’s Belgian organisation Enéo supports a two-year national campaign to promote social protection in developing countries and strengthen existing social protection systems in Belgium and Europe. While some try to pass social protection for an unattainable luxury – because it […]

ATDAL OVER 40 reports on European Active Ageing seminar

AGE Italian member ATDAL OVER 40 attended the international seminar ‘Building an evidence base for active ageing policies: Active Ageing Index and its potential‘ organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) on 16-17 April in Brussels. The 2014 analytical […]

Enéo co-produces intergenerational toolkit

Together with Cultures&Santé, a Belgian non-profit association which promotes lifelong learning and social cohesion, the AGE’s Belgian organisation Enéo has developed an animation tool I’M[age] promoting intergenerational exchanges and understanding. The toolkit (in French) includes 97 cards covering 19 topics such as couples, friendship, everyday life, communication technologies, ways of speaking, wear styles, ageing, etc. […]

FATEC works to promote greater intergenerational solidarity in Spain

AGE Catalonian organisation FATEC is cooperating with the CNJC (National Youth Council of Catalonia) and the CJB (Youth Council of Barcelona) on different projects such as the volunteer law, the future of Code of Ethics, in order to promote more solidarity, understanding, coexistence and participation across the different generations. Recently FATEC has organized a debate […]

Local intergenerational activities in Belgium

The Local Council of Seniors of the City of Mechelen (Belgium) is organizing and supporting a number of local intergenerational activities to mark the European Day of Solidarity between Generations: Each year a breakfast is organized in the home Hof van Egmont in Mechelen by the local Council of Seniors in cooperation with 12-14 years […]

«Comment l’Esprit vient aux vieux»: colloque organisé par OLD’UP le 10 octobre 2015

L’association OLD’UP, membre français de AGE, organise un colloque intitulé «Comment l’Esprit vient aux vieux» le 10 octobre 2015 Paris. Le Bulletin d’inscription et le programme détaillé seront disponibles mi-mai sur leur site web. Descriptif de l’évênement: «Plus si jeunes mais pas si vieux» nous serons deux milliards de plus de soixante ans en 2050 […]

ACLAP fête la solidarité entre les générations

L’association ACLAP (France) organise le mercredi 29 avril, à l’occasion de la Journée Européenne de la Solidarité entre les générations, une matinée de rencontre et de réflexion sur la thématique intergenerationnelle, à Marseille, France. Programme: 9H30 Accueil Café Débat sur l’intergénération Solidaire Rappel des objectifs du RIG et de la Maison de l’Intergénération Présentation des […]

AGE Italian Members looks at poverty in old age

On the occasion of the European Day of AGE’s Italian member organisations will be holding an open meeting on Thursday 23 April with the national and European institutions on eradicating the structural causes of poverty. A document on poverty alleviation with special reference to that of the elderly will be presented. Location: House of Representatives, […]

ANLA promotes national pact for seniors in Italy

AGE Italian member ANLA has promoted a “Federative Pact to protect the elderly” involving eight major national associations of older persons, older workers and seniors, men and women, who with their work over the years have helped build their country. This pact aims to promote more effectively the interests and the rights of older persons, […]

Age UK and The Age and Employment Network denounce persisting age discrimination in employment

AGE members Age UK and The Age and Employment Network have published their common priorities on the European Semester 2015, focussing on employment of older people. With higher retirement ages, more people need to work, but discrimination and unemployment are still widespread among older people. Increased legal fees counterbalance attempts to enforce non-discrimination legislation Age […]

Older people become protagonists of the future of the city of Barcelona

Marking the Municipal Plan for Older Persons 2013-2016, a multi-stakeholder event took place in Barcelona, aiming to take stock of the work done so far and formulate proposals for the future. Two Catalan AGE member organisations took an active part in the event. On 3rd and 4th February 2015, the Council of Senior Citizens of […]

CEPESS conferences on living old and happy

The ‘Centre d’Etudes du cdH’ (CEPESS) invites you to a series of conferences around the topic of quality of life in old age (‘Vivons vieux, vivons heureux’) in Brussels: Conference on housing policies which facilitates ageing at home: Quelles politiques de logment et d’habitat pour permettre aux seniors de rester à domicile?, Wednesday 11 March […]

Générations ERIC: Emergency Measures Against Unemployment of Seniors and Future Seniors

The French think-tank générations E.R.I.C. has published a white paper presenting measures to fight unemployment of older workers. The measures proposed have been elaborated in the French context, but many of these measures are important as well on European level. The white paper notes that while the unemployment rate of older wokers has been declining, […]

50+Hellas is part of EIP AHA national alliance in Greece

50+Hellas is one of the participants in the new national Greek alliance in the context of the European Innovative Partnership on Active and Healthy ageing (EIP AHA). The signatories of the partnership, are a wide range of stakeholders who are considering which measures and actions would be innovative, valuable and effective in improving healthy life […]

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