APRe! denounces Portuguese anti-inflation measures as discriminatory to pensioners

The Portuguese government has agreed on a set of measures, called Families First, to support the population in mitigating the effects of the inflation. For the association of pensioners, Apre! some of the measures that concern pensioners are discriminatory and inappropriate. Among the measures taken is the earlier payment in October of one half of […]

Elpida calls for the creation of a European crisis help line for older people

For the last two years, Elpida has been advocating for the creation of a single harmonized crisis help line for older people across the EU. AGE Czech member is inviting members of AGE and other ageing advocates to seize the momentum of the Czech EU Presidency to support their call. A European Commission Decision of […]

Respect Seniors explores ways to combat ageism on Older People’s International Day

Ageism is a term and a phenomenon that has gained momentum in recent years. The pandemic in particular has amplified the trend. Respect Seniors, the Walloon Agency for the fight against and CAS, the Coordination of Senior Citizens’ Associations, addressed the issue at a symposium in Belgium ahead of the International Day of Older People. […]

50plus Hellas publishes videos for healthy ageing

Kat’ Oíkon Episképtis (Home visitor) is a series of 6 online informative, responsible videos for older people and their carers. The one-hour-long videos cover health promotion, prevention, and a better quality of life, from experts in the fields of health and wellness. They will be made available to municipal and regional social services, the Healthy […]

ATDAL Over 40 celebrates 20th anniversary

ATDAL Over 40 is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the association and invites all AGE Members to a special event on 24th September in Rome, Italy. Videoclips, reading of social poems, presentations of books, a speech by a senior employment expert, a theatrical comic sketch and a final rock concert are on the agenda. Entrance […]

BAGSO recent commitment to advance older people’s rights at EU and UN level

BAGSO – Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen, AGE member in Germany, promoted the discussion on the human rights of older persons during two international meetings in June and August. Implementation of the MIPAA : call for a UN binding instrument During the Ministerial Conference about the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) […]

Active Retirement Ireland podcast series looks at ageing challenges and opportunities

AGE Irish member Active Retirement Ireland recently launched an audio series ‘The Old Country’, which explores healthy ageing in Ireland. Marking the United Nations’ Decade of Healthy Ageing, the podcasts find out about growing older in Ireland, and how we can build a better Ireland for all ages, getting the most of our ‘golden years’. […]

BAGSO publishes policy brief on developments at international level

BAGSO, the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations, published a policy brief that gives an overview of the work of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG-A) since its establishment around 2010. The document also provides insights into parallel developments around the human rights of older persons at international level. The brief is available […]

Solidarity between Generations: AGE members marked the EU Day

On the European Day of Solidarity between Generations on 29th April, AGE’s member organisations recalled the benefit or promoting strengthened intergenerational dialogue and cooperation in an ageing society. In Spain, UDP Mayores stressed in a press release that solidarity between generations helps combat inequalities at all stages of life and ensure the fulfilment and dignity […]

Hug 65+: A Greek documentary about equal participation of older people in the digital world

Our Greek member organisation People Behind has published a 30-minute documentary on the digital experience of older people in Greece and their right for equal access and participation in the digital world. In the documentary “Hug 65+”, Ourania, Penelope, Tasos, Xanthippi, Angeliki and Thodoris, 65+ residents of Athens and Patras, talk honestly and with humor […]

Red Cross of Serbia research on mental health of informal caregivers

In 2020 the Red Cross of Serbia conducted research on the impacts and effects of informal care on caregivers’ in particular during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to: Identify common informal caregiver mental health needs Measure the incidence of symptoms of burnout and depression among informal caregivers Identify informal caregivers that are under increased […]

AGE members join the global online rally asking to age with rights

Banner.PNG The 3rd of March 2022 saw organisations and older persons all over Europe and the world rally together in support for a UN convention on the rights of the older persons. Creating a digital movement like no other! Behind each organisation mobilised in the global rally are hundreds and thousands of older people. In […]

War in Ukraine: AGE members offer support

Photo by Tong Su on Unsplash (cropped) Following the announcement of war in Ukraine on 24 February, several members shared AGE’s standing with the Ukrainian people. Many have also been involved in fundraisers, collections of primary goods, and generally raising awareness of the situation of the Ukrainian people and the large number of older persons […]

For a more humane approach to hospital and nursing home visits

Bruno d’Alimonte Our Belgian members, Respect Seniors, Enéo and Entr’âges have joined forces with 9 other associations to call for a humane and uniform legal regulation on visit to nursing homes during the COVID pandemic that are debated and voted in Parliament. Many residents in nursing homes and their families have suffered a lot from […]

How to improve vaccination uptake among patients with chronic conditions across Europe? – Launch of ILC report

On 3 February, the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) launched its latest report, Hitting new heights: Improving vaccination uptake among patients with chronic conditions across Europe, produced in partnership with the Coalition for Life-course Immunisation (CLCI). At this event, ILC and CLCI shared their new findings and recommendations on how to improve routine vaccination uptake […]

A short video in French explains “The mechanisms of ageism”

Abounding in examples, this short video explains the mechanisms behind ageism. Produced by the Belgian association Entr’âges, the video helps better understand what ageism is. Ageism is the unfair treatment if someone because of their age. According to the World Health Organisation, ageism comprises three dimensions: the way we think about someone because of age […]

In Serbia, community care centres bet on prevention

While the number of people with dementia is rapidly growing worldwide, they remain invisible in public health planning. Faced with this observation, our member the Red Cross of Serbia engaged into a new initiative. According to the World Health Organization, 55 million people suffer from dementia worldwide. This number will double by 2030. The cost […]

Caring for people with dementia with an app

Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide. Yet, family caregivers and direct care staff often lack knowledge of the symptoms, the changes implied by the condition, and possible interventions. E-learning course and an educational app for carers This is why, our member, the Spanish Confederation of Older […]

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