ZDUS joins an EU project to improve carers’ knowledge of dementia

AGE’s member from Slovenia ZDUS is partnering with the Italian health institution AslTo3 on the new the European project Move your Hands for Dementia (MYH4D). During two years the project partners, including health professionals, education and NGO sectors from Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Spain, will work to improve health literacy on dementia. The […]

New COVID-19 resilience project in the Western Balkans

Our new member organisation, the Red Cross of Serbia, is coordinating a three-year project on “Strengthening resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters” in the region of the Western Balkans. The project involves experts from the region who will work together for the empowerment of older persons and persons […]

Dutch organisations call for a stronger EU health strategy & cooperation against pandemic threats

In a letter sent to the Dutch Minister for the Dutch organisations Koepel Gepensioneerden, KBO-Brabant, FASv and NOOM advocate for the European Union playing a more active role in identifying and combating cross-border infectious diseases with an explicit focus on the global dimension. Jointly, they express their concerns about potential future infectious diseases with pandemic […]

AGE members marked the EU Day of Solidarity between Generations

The European Day of Solidarity between Generations on 29th April is a momentum seized by many older people organisations across the EU to better promote intergenerational challenges and opportunities. Despite the COVID-19 context, this year was no exception. Find out some of these iniatives… After the announcement by the Austria Federal Ministry to forge a […]

AGE members react to the EU Green Paper on Ageing

Older people’s organisations across Europe massively participated to the public consultation organised by the European Commission. The consultation aimed at collecting feedback on its EU Green Paper on Ageing. In this article, we compile the contributions submitted by our members and ask for a concrete follow-up in the months to come. Click on the name […]

Age limits are only allowed as an exception, not as a norm

On 13 April 2021 the Italian Supreme Court rendered a decision on the validity of a regulation setting an age limit (60 years) for aircraft pilots “involved in national intelligence operations”. Such decision followed a preliminary ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union that stated that the Italian law was compatible with […]

COVID-19: AGE members keep the vaccination in their radar

COVID-Vaccination_demonstrators-PRO-image2.png PRO demonstration in Sweden Vaccination slowly progresses around Europe. AGE members keep providing information and support to vaccination policies… but also remain on the watch. Lack of clarity on the priority groups In Portugal, APRe! alerted on the risks of failures of vaccination strategies following the frequent changes of the national COVID-19 vaccination plan. […]

AGE members say it’s time to re-open residential care premises

The vaccination rates in care homes are rapidly rising around Europe as older people living in such premises were prioritised in most countries. But decisions are still awaited to relax the measures constraining visits and activities in residential care settings. In Denmark, visit restrictions have been eased in the region of Herning; the older people’s […]

ZDUS denounces extra COVID-19 related costs charged to care home residents

In a public letter addressed to the Government of Slovenia, our member ZDUS denounces COVID-19 related costs that were charged to infected residents in some care homes. An amount that many of them cannot afford. ZDUS argues that residents of care homes who have contracted the COVID-19 infection (and were not transferred to hospital) are […]

A European award recognizes OKRA’s outstanding work during the pandemic

Our member organisation OKRA was awarded the Civil Solidarity Prize during an online ceremony organized by European Economic and Social Committee last 15 February 2021. This prize recognizes the work of civil society organisation across the EU to support solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic. OKRA has won this award for Belgium, recognizing its effort and […]

ANAP alerts on new attempts to scam older people during COVID-19 in Italy

The Associazione Nazionale Anziani e Pensionati (ANAP) is warning against a new type of fraud linked to the COVID-19 vaccination. On its website, AGE member organisation in Italy reports the stories of older people in the region of Tuscany who have received by telephone a proposal to administer the anti-Covid vaccine directly at home. The […]

COVID-19 vaccination: older people call for clear information and better accessibility

As vaccination campaigns against coronavirus are kicked-off all over Europe, older people’s organisations swing into action to provide up-to-date information about vaccination policies and alert decision-makers about the pitfalls of some strategies. “We notice a high willingness to vaccinate in the older generation. But we want to know when and where and with which vaccine […]

BAGSO draws lessons from the pandemic in Germany

Since March 2020, the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations, BAGSO has been monitoring the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on older people in Germany. The organisation has contributed to overcoming the crisis in identifying problems, putting forward proposals and formulating demands. In a recent position paper, BAGSO draws lessons from […]

Énéo campaigns for maintaining banking services accessible to all in Belgium

Following the recent announcement by Bpost of the suppression of 17 self-banking machines in the Southern Belgium, AGE member organisation Énéo warns of the consequences this will have for many older persons in Belgium. The issue of digital exclusion in old age is the topic of a joint campaign that Énéo is running together with […]

APRe! national conference draws lessons from the pandemic in Portugal

The Portuguese pensioners and retirees organisation, APRe!, held its national conference “From Pandemic to Inclusion” in Lisbon on 27 October 2020. The objective of the event was to discuss and examine the situation of retired and older people in Portugal, at a time strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The event also marked the eighth […]

From a listening ear to psychological help – Vlaamse Ouderenraad campaign calls for better mental support in old age

In Belgium, the Vlaamse Ouderenraad (Flemish older people’s Council) has launched the campaign ‘Kopzorgen verdienen zorg’ (headaches deserve care) to promote older people’s mental health and well-being. Although many people experience losses and profound changes in later life, getting old does not mean being unhappy, as argues the Flemish organisation which calls for more appropriate […]

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