Maximising ageing potential: ILC-UK launches new report

If we can’t ignore the economic challenges of an ageing population, realising the opportunities of ageing can help address these in maximising the opportunities for older people to work, earn, and spend, and to volunteer and care for loved ones. This is in essence what the International Longevity Center UK (ILC) explained in its new […]

BAGSO draws first lessons from COVID-19 in Germany

In its position paper, BAGSO formulates the first lessons from the coronavirus pandemic in Germany and calls for the living conditions of older people to be sustainably improved. The pandemic has made the existing challenges faced by older persons visible to everyone and shows that reforms are urgently needed in care, in community work and […]

Seniors in the spotlight for one week in France

Our French member, Générations Mouvement, co-organized from 5 to 11 October 2020 the Semaine Bleue (‘Blue Week’) that aims promotes the place of older persons in society and their important contribution, as well as their concerns and the challenges they experience on a daily basis. This event is also an opportunity for volunteers from associations […]

International Day of Older Persons – Older people’s organisations are getting mobilized

Older people’s organisations across Europe are getting mobilized around the International Day of Older Persons on 1st October. Many of this year’s celebrations are marked by the COVID-19 crisis, which particularly affected the older generations and their families. Here are just a few of the initiatives carried out by our member organisations on that occasion. […]

ESU calls for a fair and resilient recovery for all generations in Europe

In the context of Europe’s recovery the European Seniors’ Union (ESU) has issued a resolution to highlight the concerns and hopes of senior citizens. In particular, ESU calls for Building fairer and more resilient societies for all generations, Ensuring that older persons’ rights are respected, Strengthening health and social care systems for older persons, Recovering […]

Semaine de l’Intergénération en Belgique francophone

L’association Entr’âges, membre de AGE en Belgique, organise la Semaine de l’Intergénération du 29 septembre au 1er octobre 2020. De nombreuses initiatives renforcent les liens intergénérationnels au quotidien un peu partout en Belgique francophone. Durant ces sept jours, la Semaine de l’Intergénération va mettre en lumière ces actions pour les faire découvrir à un grand […]

UK civil society organisations examine impact of COVID-19 on older women

As part of the UK Civil Society Women’s Alliance, AGE member Elizabeth Sclater, of the Older Women’s Network Europe, coordinated the development and publication of a report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older women in the UK. The paper highlights the issues faced by older women across the four nations of the […]

European Federation denounces discriminatory narrative around older persons

In a press statement issued on 3rd June, the European Federation of Older Persons – EURAG denounces the way older persons are shown in the media as a homogeneous group of frail, inactive people who tend to be a burden to society. This does not reflect the reality of the very diverse older population, nor […]

ERASMUS+ project for adult education gives impulses to voluntary work

ERASMUS+ Impulses for voluntary work through a mobility project for adult education at the Department of the German–Speaking Community for Self–Determined Life in Eupen (Belgium) The desire to remain active, to make a difference, to receive inspiration from others and to share experiences of success are important motives for Antonia Schwarz’s civic and voluntary commitment. […]

French survey on older people’s experience of containment breaks stereotypes

The French senior organisation OLD’UP has published the results of a national survey they conducted from 24 April to 13 May on the effects of COVID on people over 70 in France. The association collected the testimonies of 5,385 seniors on their feelings and thoughts about the health crisis through an online questionnaire and a […]

COVID-19 & older women: European network points at challenges and concerns

Elizabeth Sclater from the European Older Women’s Network took the floor at a webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on women’s rights hosted by the Feminist Europe Platform last 22 June. Providing a life-course approach to the issue of feminism and ageing, Elizabeth stressed in her speech some key issues faced by older women across […]

Atdal 40+ co-signs the Italian “Manifesto of Non-Hostile and Inclusive Communication”

Parole O_Stili is a non-profit association, founded in Trieste, Italy, in July 2017 that seeks to raise internet users’ awareness of the powerful effect of words and of the importance to choose them well and wisely, both in the real world and online. The organisation has drafted a “Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication”, underlining that “virtual […]

Age UK warns of the impact of lockdown on older people’s mental health and malnutrition

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 18-24 May, Age UK raised awareness of the increased emotional strain that older people are under during lockdown. Age groups may experience depression, loneliness and anxiety, “however, many older people do not seek help and instead, adopt a ‘stiff upper lip’ approach to dealing with these feelings, and […]

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: AGE members are taking action

Across Europe, AGE member organisations are getting mobilized to mark the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June, shedding light on a widespread reality that remains largely under-reported : > For Respect Senior, in Belgium, the pandemic has clearly encouraged ‘contextual’ abuse and this should not be ignored. Yet, they insisted that the situation […]

‘Age in itself should never be a criterion to prohibit’ – Flemish senior organisations react to new deconfinement rule in Belgium

photo by Nikoline Arns on unsplash As deconfinement measures are progressively being implemented in Belgium, grandparents are now allowed to look after their grandchildren again, but under strict conditions: grandmothers and grandparents must be younger than 65, in good health and reunions must take place within a limited chosen social ‘bubble’. OKRA and the Vlaamse […]

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