Ebbe Johansen, AGE Vice President, participated in the third European Standardisation Summit in Istanbul on 11 June 2014. ‘How standardization can support the silver economy’ was the main theme of the Summit, which was organised by the Turkish Standards Institution and the European Standardisation Organisations CEN and CENELEC. The event was attended by more than 200 delegates, including leaders from national, European and international standardisation organisations, national policy makers, the European Commission and other stakeholders.
“The demographic change is the opportunity for the European standardisation bodies to better address accessibility issues following the ‘Design for All’ principles and help ensure that our ageing population will receive the care and assistance they need to live in dignity”, pointed out Mr Johansen during his presentation. Healthcare is an area where standards can contribute to improving the lives of older citizens, added The European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes in her video message.
The conclusions of the Summit were summed-up by the President of CEN, Friedrich Smaxwil who highlighted the role of standards in addressing the needs of older citizens and consumers. He concluded by saying that the summit showed that the European standardisation bodies are now ready to work with business and other stakeholders, including groups representing older citizens and consumers, to develop age-friendly standards that will meet the needs of an ageing population and support the growth of the silver economy in Europe.
For more information, please read AGE press release or contact Alice Sinigaglia, alice.sinigaglia@age-platform.euThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”>