CEOMA campaigns against the use of restraint of people with dementia in Spain

Since 2004 the Spanish confederation of older persons, CEOMA, has been running the programme “TO UNTIE THE ELDERLY AND PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE”, which promotes the complete elimination of chemical and physical restraints in the care of dependent older people. Under the motto ‘Zero tolerance of restraint’ for people with dementia, the programme denounces the daily use of restraint in many care facilities and the negative consequences of the restrictions of freedom of people with dementia, which goes against the duty to respect the person and promote their autonomy.

As of today, more than 50 nursing homes and Day Centers in Spain have received the Accreditation of “Free of Restraints” Center from this programme and 20 more Centers/residences are currently working to “win” this accreditation.

In 2010 the CEOMA programme was awarded the “Viana Prince Award on Dependency Attention” by the Navarra Foral’s Government.

You can link to the website of the Program (in Spanish) here:

Some information is available in English in this document:

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