Digital Accessibility: make sure technologies match your preferences!

Building on the political momentum of 2016 and the adoption of the web accessibility directive, AGE kept advocating for digital accessibility in particular through the European project Prosperity4all. The project finished last January 2018 with major deliveries in the field of digital accessibility and personalisation of technologies.

In the autumn 2017, the Prosperity4all project released the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure ( aiming to be the world’s one-stop-shop where to find and ask for solutions to access information and communication technologies. This GPII is composed of two major pillars. In a former article, AGE had already showcased the DeveloperSpace as the one-stop place to create and market accessible digital solutions.

GPII DeveloperSpace
GPII DeveloperSpace

The assistive tech you need… in a few clicks!

From a user perspective, the second component named after the Unified Listing, is even more interesting. As a matter of fact, this up-to-date platform consolidaties information from around the world on existing solutions to access Information and Communication Technologies. In other words, it brings together information on software programs, services and devices that help adapt interfaces (screens, audio settings, etc.) to match all users’ needs and preferences.

GPII Unified Listing
GPII UnifiedListing

Having low vision or hard of hearing will no longer be a barrier to the use of digital technologies… as long as you can make sure the technology adapts to your preferences. The amount of information on assistive technologies can sometimes be overwhelming; only in a few clicks, the UnifiedListing will however help you find the resources and solutions that you need.

In case you’re still unsure as to where to start with your search, have a look at the GPII Accessibility Masterlist and get inspired!

For more information on Prosperity4all: or contact Estelle Huchet

For more information on AGE position on accessibility:

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