DOREMI project final conference

DOREMI logo The final conference of the DOREMI project against sedentariness, cognitive decline and malnutrition in old age took place in 25 October 2016 in Brussels. The project’s researchers presented the results of DOREMI and, together with participants and partners, shared their experience during the three-year project duration and discussed follow-up and future cooperation.
AGE Platform Europe was involved in the project to help disseminate the project activities and advocated for the final outcome to meet older people’s needs and concerns.

AGE member at DOREMI conference AGE member at DOREMI conference Members of AGE Task Forces on healthy ageing and new technology attended the event and provided useful feedback on the various solutions developed by DOREMI to improve health and foster independent living in old age: cognitive games, diet and physical exercise applications, balance board, home sensors and smart bracelet.

Speakers and participants highlighted the encouraging results of DOREMI on health and frailty reduction, while underlining that the project package is a prototype which can be further developped.​

Here are some of the comments that were made:

  • No one-fit-for-all solution: need to target specific needs, taking account of individual preferences and cultural differences (e.g. for the diet application and the cognitive games)
  • A first feeling of being observed (‘Big Brother’ feeling) need to be overcome – and accepted – by participants
  • Need for user clear instructions and guidance
  • Importance of socialization: need to combine new technologies (ICT) with face-to-face interactions
  • A follow-up after the end of the project would be appreciated by partipants (end-of-term report…)
  • Limited number of project participants (users) & short trial duration
  • Specifically on the dietary app, it is important to consider water to be drunk throughout the day and the night mode should be considered as well.

Perssilaa project logo NU-AGE logo Two other EU-funded projects PERSSILA and NU-AGE​ were also presented for their strong synergies with DOREMI.

Hörst Krämer at DOREMI conference Representing the European Commission, Horst Krämer was invited to discuss the opportunities rising from the demographic change and presented EU initiatives in that field.

​The presentations made at the conference and the project final deliverables can be downloaded on DOREMI website here.

Pictures of the final event can be viewed on DOREMI Twitter page.

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