Dr. Heidrun Mollenkopf is the new President of AGE Platform Europe

Brussels, Belgium – 13 June 2023

AGE Platform Europe (AGE), the European network of older people is pleased to announce the election of Dr. Heidrun Mollenkopf as its new President, taking over the six-year mandate of Mr Ebbe Johansen. With the upcoming European Elections in 2024, Dr. Mollenkopf’s extensive expertise in the field of ageing will play a vital role towards AGE’s mission of promoting a society for all ages.

“I have been engaged with AGE, its goals and activities, for many years.
As a social scientist, I was able to support AGE particularly in the areas of social and environmental living conditions of older persons, age-friendly neighbourhoods, and digitalization regarding maintaining their autonomy and participation.
I am willing to bring these competencies into AGE’s future work and contribute to AGE’s ultimate goal to promote a society for all ages in which everyone has equal opportunities to be included and participate at all stages of their lives.”

Dr. Heidrun Mollenkopf | President of AGE Platform Europe

Read our full press release

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