Under the slogan “Give health an e-Chance”, the 2014 eHealth Forum, organised by the Greek Presidency in cooperation with the European Commission, gathered nearly 13000 visitors in Athens from 12-14 May to discuss the contribution of new technology and innovation to promote healthy and independent living.
The eHealth Forum is an important annual forum for the exchange of experience, good practices innovation and mutual support in the field of eHealth and Active and Healthy Ageing. It provides an opportunity for experts to examine how technology can make positive changes in healthcare and deal with problems arising from the ageing population and healthcare issues in general. It can also help create new opportunities for dynamic partnerships and innovative synergies between local communities, public and social institutions, universities, patient groups and healthcare professionals.
In this year’s edition, Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes and Health Commissioner Tonio Borg pointed out the opportunities that new technology could provide to help people remain active and independent and ensure affordable, efficient and sustainable healthcare systems and the importance of working in partnership.
Various EU initiatives were presented, such as the the eHealth Action Plan, the high level eHealth Network that held its meeting in Athens, the mHealth Green Paper and the draft European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Scaling-up strategy. Members of the EIP Action Groups, Reference Sites and other regions presented how they are or are planning to scale-up their good practices around active and healthy ageing.
A number of EU-funded projects (epSOS, USEFIL, SOCIABLE) were also put forward.
- Access the event website at: https://ehealth2014.org/
- Read the European Commission’s press release : https://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-343_en.htm
- The reports and presentations are available at: https://ehealth2014.org/news/press-releases – https://ehealth2014.org/news/presentations