“Despite the very significant success of European policies over the years to improve our quality of life and protect the environment, we know more can be done across the EU to make sure all Europeans, no matter their age, income or education, are well protected from the environmental hazards we face.” Hans Bruyninckx, European Environment Agency Executive Director.
In early February 2019, the European Environment Agency (EAA) published a report entitled “Unequal exposure and unequal impacts: social vulnerability to air pollution, noise and extreme temperatures in Europe”. Three target groups were carefully considered: the poor, the old and the very young in order to determine what would be needed to foster environmental justice.
A number of findings and recommendations target the three groups, with a focus on older persons in relation to extreme temperatures considering their vulnerability to such conditions, but also pointing out the issue of energy poverty.
For 2019, AGE has included in its work programme the issue of healthy environment and the impact of air pollution and climate change on older persons. It will be the opportunity to map potential activities and interest of members, as well as to gather key resources on this topic.
For more information:
- European Environment Agency – EAA: www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/protect-vulnerable-citizens (you can access the article in all EU languages, click on “change language” and select yours).
- European Public Health Alliance – EPHA https://epha.org/clean-air/
- WHO: https://www.who.int/airpollution/en/
- European Court of Auditors (report published in November 2018 “Air pollution: Our health still insufficiently protected): https://www.eca.europa.eu/en/Pages/NewsItem.aspx?nid=10635