‘A Digital Cage is Still a Cage’ – on digital technologies & older people’s human rights


AGE Platform Europe, the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project at the University of Essex & the International Longevity Centre Europe invite you to join the online discussion “A Digital Cage is Still a Cage – how can new and emerging digital technologies advance, rather than place at risk, the human rights of older people who draw on social care?”

This online discussion will present a new research by Neil Crowther and Professsor Lorna McGregor, from the University of Essex Human Rights Centre, which explores the opportunities and risks of new and emerging digital technologies and proposes ways to ensure that new and emerging digital technologies advance older people’s human rights. We will also hear a range of responses from experts and representatives as well as inviting questions and discussion from participants.

Speakers include:

  • Neil Crowther and Professor Lorna McGregor – University of Essex, authors of ‘A digital cage is still a cage’
  • Dr Claudia Mahler – UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human rights by Older Persons
  • Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf Board member of BAGSO (Germany) and AGE Platform Europe
  • Helena Zaum, UK’s Local and Regional Government Industry Lead, Microsoft.
  • David Sinclair, Director, International Longevity Centre

The meeting will be held via Zoom.

To participate, please register here

Read also: ‘Digital technologies pose a threat to human rights of older people

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