A new form of tourism for Seniors – EuroSen project final conference

The promotion of senior tourism is a concrete strategy for active and healthy ageing: travelling provides life satisfaction and helps people stay active, avoids loneliness and tackles social exclusion. Travelling provides a change in our daily routine: it involves discovery, interaction with the environment, intercultural contacts and social interactions. The EuroSen project (www.eurosen.eu), financed by the COSME Programme, has directly embedded such concepts in its work and delivered touristic offers which are modular, flexible and targeted to the needs of older travellers, who become both hosting and guests in the EuroSen approach.

Local stories and traditions, nature and cultural richness, sustainable tourism and social participation are all ingredients of EuroSen, which set up 5 Clusters of Local Cultures (CLC), based on values of sharing, friendship and reciprocity, and where seniors are actors and co-designers of the touristic offers.

Together with Tour Operators, local and regional authorities, and organisations of older people, the project is eager to introduce you to its outcomes and tourist offers at the EuroSen Final Conference, on 3 April 2017 in Milan.

Come and discover the Clusters in Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Romania: see you in Milan on April 3rd!

For further information: ilenia.gheno@age-platform.eu

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