Addressing Barriers to Financial Inclusion in an Ageing Europe

Finance Watch and AGE Platform Europe invite you to discuss with high-level experts how to address the barriers to financial inclusion experienced by older people across the EU.

What is the EU doing to address the needs of its changing demographic? Already one third of the population – set to reach 40% by 2050 – is confronted with an increased risk for financial exclusion. An ever more complex digital landscape, persistent inequalities, financial product age limits and pension inadequacy threaten the autonomy, independence and social inclusion of older Europeans.
The ongoing implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Green Paper on Ageing can act as a compass as we move forward. Meaningful inclusion and intergenerational solidarity can only be achieved by strengthening the rights of older people outside of employment and adapting products and services to fit their life circumstances, both now and for future generations.
Finance Watch and AGE Platform will discuss the findings of the report A Wrinkle in the Process: Financial Inclusion Barriers in an Ageing Europe. Inmaculada Placencia Porrero & Andrea Liesenfeld will present ongoing efforts within the European Commission. During a 30 minutes Q&A session, you will have the chance to ask your questions.


  • Anne-Sophie Parent, former Secretary General or Philippe Seidel, Policy and EP Liaison Officer
  • Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Senior Expert on Social Affairs, Disability and Inclusion Unit, DG EMPL, European Commission
  • Andrea Liesenfeld, Deputy Head of Retail Financial Services Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission
  • Emily Glantz, Research and Advocacy Assistant, Finance Watch (Moderator)

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