Age-friendly environments: thematic workshops for professional training

AFC-Toolkit-logo In September 2023 the EU-funded project AGE-FRIENDLY TOOLKIT (AFC) hosts a series of thematic workshops to define and discuss a professional profile and training curriculum for professionals who want to develop and promote age-friendly environments.
Each workshop will discuss the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes of a professional to develop and promote thematic areas related to age-friendly environments:

  • Age-friendly environments & social participation
    12 September from 11:00 to 13:00 (Brussels’ time). This workshop is organised by our Italian member Anziani E Non Solo.
  • Age-friendly environments & community support, communication & information
    19 September from 11:00 to 13:00 (Brussels’ time)
  • Age-friendly environments & built environment
    21 September from 11:00 to 13:00 (Brussels’ time)
  • Age-friendly environments & social inclusion & cooperation
    26 September from 11:00 to 13:00 (Brussels’ time)
  • Age-friendly environments & civic participation & employment
    29 September from 11:00 to 13:00 (Brussels’ time). This workshop is organised by our Spanish member CEOMA.

> Read more on these workshops

AGE Platform Europe is a partner in the AFC project.

For more information, contact Ilenia Gheno:


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