BAGSO symposium on health promotion at community level – event in German

BAGSO_&_IN-FORM-Project_logos AGE German member organisation BAGSO is organising a symposium in Kassel, Germany, on 15 February 2018 as part of its project ‘Im Alter IN FORM – Activating Potential in Communities‘. The new challenges of health promotion in old age faced by municipalies and senior citizens will be discussed (in German) in working groups. Participation is free of charge.

Further details (in German) on the project and the event can be found here.

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BAGSO invites you to a symposium that takes place in Kassel on 15 February 2018 as part of the project “Im Alter IN FORM – Activating Potential in Communities”. Health promotion in old age poses new challenges for municipalities and senior citizens. At the conference, the subject-related relationships will be explained and central questions on the design of health promotion at the municipal level will be discussed in working groups. Participation in the event is free. Details can be found in the attached documents. We ask you to publish them in your media and distribute them within your sphere of influence.

Die BAGSO lädt zu einer Fachtagung ein, die im Rahmen des Projektes „Im Alter IN FORM – Potenziale in Kommunen aktivieren“ am 15. Februar 2018 in Kassel stattfindet.

Die Gesundheitsförderung im Alter stellt Kommunen und Akteure in der Seniorenarbeit vor neue Herausforderungen. Auf der Tagung werden dazu die fachlichen Zusammenhänge erläutert und zentrale Fragen zur Gestaltung der Gesundheitsförderung auf kommunaler Ebene in Arbeitsgruppen erörtert.

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei.

Details über Programm and Anmeldung finden Sie hier

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