After the European elections in June, the new European Parliament will shape its new policy agenda for the next five years. Will it work towards an age-inclusive Europe? This is the moment to get our word in.
We are living longer and healthier than ever in Europe, yet ageism holds many people back from participating in society. Fortunately, there are ways forward.
The EU-funded research project “FutuRes: Towards a resilient Future of Europe”, in which AGE is a partner, is organizing a workshop to allow citizens to exchange on how to influence policies, laws, education and intergenerational approaches for a new European agenda on ageing. Your recommendations will feed into FutuRes policy recommendations to EU Policy makers and other government stakeholders.
Leading demographers will also present their latest study on the relationship between policies and ageism in Europe.
Part 1 – Presentations
- Welcome and Engagement
- Opening Statement: Ageism in policy – experiences of civil society actors (AGE Platform Europe)
- Research contribution by FutuRes: What research shows about Ageism in policy in Europe (Bocconi University)
Part 2: Moderated break-out rooms
Guided discussion with workshop participants, randomly assigned to engage in smaller moderated discussions/breakout rooms.
How do you suggest fighting ageism in:
- Policies and laws (break-out 1)
- Education (break-out 2)
- Intergenerational actions (break-out 3)
Part 3: Ideas sharing (20 minutes)
- Summary from discussion moderator
- Ranking of the most important recommendations and actions point
- Wrap-up and follow-up
This workshop aims to contribute to the global campaign against ageism of the World Health Organization (WHO): #World4AllAges.