Civil Society Days 2018: Citizenship, Democracy & Culture in digitalised Europe

2018 Civil Society Days will focus on the current debate about the future of Europe and on highlighting the role across Europe of the civil society organisations which come together in the EESC to represent “Europe at work”.
In line with this twofold emphasis, the CivSocDays 2018 will address Europe at work in relation to digitalisation.

Six interactive workshops will take a closer look at how citizenship, democracy and culture can develop and be promoted in a digitalised Europe, from the point of view of:

  • Culture and education
  • Identities and polarisation
  • Cybersecurity and data protection: at the service of the general interest
  • Digital democracy and civil participation
  • Empowerment to overcome the digital divide
  • Artificial Intelligence as a common good

More information here

Check out the agenda here

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